Let me try to explain the topic with an example of a Tech company who works in the finance domain .
So how they can define there personas ? From the general knowledge , you know that segmentation is necessary to make a complex thing easy . So segment your personas according to the company , it may be according to the size , industry or geographical location . So here , you need to be clear about the role of your company . You must be clear in which industries your products or solutions can be helpful . Now you understand you want to help the companies working in 1 .Consumer products , 2. Manufacturing , 3. Distribution , 4. Energy and 5. Service providers . So now you can easily segment the companies according to the industry . After that you are trying to know the minimum revenue that the companies should gain in order to qualify as your leads . So you should decide the minimum revenue and make them as 1. Small size companies . Like that you get 2. Medium size companies , 3. Large size companies and 4. Major companies . Remember , the definition of size should be personalized according to your company . No one else will decide this for you . So from here you get 4 types according to the size of the company . Now you can focus on the geographic location . In order to make it simple you mainly divide it in two categories 1. US based business 2. Europe based business . So here you get 2 segment according to the location .
Now if you combined all these three key points , you can easily understand you got 5 × 4 × 2 = 40 segment in the company section .
If you are a newcomer , at first , define it according to one point like industry . Then segment it again . It ll help you to understand the concept and also to keep a track on what you are doing .
Now coming to the People segment , you can segment them according to their role , function of areas , common behavior etc .
For example again with that Tech company , We can segment them according to their role . Like you can target ,
1. VP of Accounts
2. VP of Credit
3. CFO
4. CEO
It's because as you are working on finance domain and you know that these people can actually need to understand the things .
So you got 4 segment in the people segmentation .
If you now calculate the total segmentation , you can easily find out how you have to reach out to these 4 people for every segment you have made in the company segment .
Hope this will help you to understand ' Define your Personas ' part .


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