How to Define Success
Happy New Year! Can you believe it? Another year is here—a fresh start, a blank page. There are people all over the world who have made new year’s resolutions. 'This year, I’ll hit the gym more.' 'This year, I’ll get that promotion.' 'This year, I’ll finally be successful.'
Maybe you are making your own resolutions and have your own desire to be successful this year. But I want to ask a question—what is success? What does success mean to you? Because here’s the thing: everyone is chasing success, but most people can’t even define it.
We’re told to want success or that we need to be successful. It’s posted all over social media—#grind, #hustle, #success. But when was the last time you sat down and thought about what success really means? For some, it’s money. For some it’s being famous. For others, it’s freedom and time. And then for some, it’s relationships and legacy. Success is really very personal, but still, we let the world around us, the culture, and others define it for us.
If you’re not intentional about what you consider success, you might spend your whole life chasing someone else’s version of success. You might climb the proverbial ladder only to realize it’s leaning against the wrong wall. Think about it—how many people achieve everything they thought they wanted, only to feel empty inside? It’s because they never stopped to ask the most important question: What does success mean to me?
To help us define success for 2025, I have included a free eBook full of questions that will help you define your very own personal success. Remember that success isn’t a destination or a dollar amount—it’s a life lived on purpose.