How to Define or Redefine Yourself in 4!
Andre Young
Leadership & Work/Life Harmony Speaker, Author, Leadership Trainer, & Founder of You Evolving Now, LLC
I am proud to write this in honor of my youngest son! Depending on when you are reading this… he is 11 years old and suffers from Alopecia. It began with a small dot of missing hair one year ago and has escalated rapidly; a few days ago he decided to take control of IT instead of IT have any more control over him… and choose to cut all of his hair off on March 1! As a father, a man, and person… I couldn’t be more proud of him and what he’s endured and what he will endure walking into school on Monday; after the weekend. We have all had our setbacks, misfortunes, and times we have felt less-than and broken. In those times… it’s important to know, we are more than our hair, more than our loss, more than our health. In 2013, I lost my health, my weight, my muscle, my vanity… and had to come to grips with who I really was and wanted to be. We are how WE define ourselves, how we impact others, and the sum of the decisions we make daily… Here are 4 Ways to Define Yourself and EVOLVE in your 4 P’s: as a Person, a Partner, Parent, Professional, and more!
Intentional Love!
If you have followed me, You Evolving Now, and my 7 Ways to Love… you know I am a love buff! In defining or choosing to redefine ourselves… Love will be our number one tool! How we have loved, how we choose to love in the midst of our toughest time, and how we will love when it passes. Intentional Love refers to us going out of our way to share feelings of love, gratitude, and appreciation for those in your life. This can be done by telling them face-to-face, sending a text, old school letter, etc. How do they like loved shown to them? It’s easy for us to love our way… can we gift them with what they desire, need, and appreciate instead of what is easiest for us to give? In our darkest and hardest times… Love may be the only thing we have to give due to our money and/or health situation. So… give it and give it in abundance before, during, and after!
Self-Love may be an even more difficult task in our hardest times… as WE judge ourselves harder than anyone ever could. We are the ones that have placed so much of our self-worth on OUR definition of success… whether it’s that job, that promotion, money, our bodies, or… our hair we value so much! The people that truly love us don’t love us for that… WE do! Be sure to give yourself some of that loving and learn to appreciate the other things you do great and are of value within you!
Intentional Growth!
Want to increase self-love, EVOLVE, and define yourself… then intentionally choose to grow! In my darkest and most helpless time of physical recovery and life recovery; as I laid in a bed and sat in a chair for three months… Intentional Love was all I could give and Intentional Growth was my fuel. I had little control over what I once valued but I had, and you have, total control over what you learn and who you become. Choose to learn something, anything, and everything about your passion, yourself, and the people in your 4 P’s and apply it to your daily living!
This is the process of becoming the new you, enhancing relationships, and preparing for what is coming next. If the dark time persist… it’s no longer the “Dark Thing†that is everything; rather a piece of your story. If and when the dark time passes… you know have your “It Thing†back… plus a new and EVOLVE you to go with it. Now… you are unstoppable!
For the most part… no matter what you have going on right now; there are a million people out there, RIGHT NOW, that would trade places with you! This is not to minimize whatever you are going through… but perspective is an amazing thing! As a former therapist, the stories and life events I’ve heard always brought perspective to life. Be grateful for what you do have, where you live, the opportunities you have… as someone somewhere else has it 10xs worse. This is hard to remember while going through it, but it helps!
A minor example, but an example nonetheless… I was in line with a woman at a store. She stated she worked in the store, complained about that, complained it was Monday, complained it was cold, and on and on. All the while, what I heard was… you got to wake up on a Monday… some people didn’t, you have a job… some people don’t, have money to pay for the item you desire... with a debit card… some people would literally steal and kill for that, and left the store in a car she either owned or has great friends or family that loaned it to her… Wow! My son has lost his hair… what I hear… you’re a great and strong person with an opportunity to learn so much about yourself and the world through this moment of hardship at a young age, with a loving family, great friends, you go to a great school, awesome athletic ability, could be losing something way more important like his sight, ability to walk, or his life, and can now invest in a collection of cool hats and headbands… Lol! Yes, we are allowed to have our feelings about our loss… we are human. Quickly after our negative feelings let gratitude, perspective, intentional growth, and intentional love lead the way!
Your Team!
As we are in the process of defining or redefining ourselves… let’s be grateful and honored for our friends and on our team! With that said… it’s now to begin evaluating. Very rarely do we have to cut people out of our lives… but it is important to intentionally add to our team. In defining or redefining ourselves be careful not to ask… what do I want to be? Instead ask… WHO do you want to be? What kind of person do you want to be? What kind of worker, significant other, friend, etc. do you want to be? Now that you have your answer… look for it, find it, and acknowledge it when you see your answer in someone else… actually compliment them on it… and add them to your Team! Adults my offer a coffee meet up, lunch… while the younger generation will connect on Snapchat. Whatever your means… be intentional about connecting, staying connected, and following up. Here is a simple tip… begin to minimize the amount of time you spend with people that make you feel negative, dirty, uninspired, and lazy. Increase your time spent with people that make you feel energized, motivated, inspired, thought producing, appreciated, and excited!
“Begin to minimize the amount of time you spend with people that make you feel negative, dirty, uninspired, and lazy. Increase your time spent with people that make you feel energized, motivated, inspired, thought producing, appreciated, and excited… and enjoy your EVOLUTION!†– Andre Young
Enjoy your EVOLUTION and download my FREE app, YEN Push! Remember to allow notifications and EVOLVE in your 4 P’s! Get You Evolving Now to impact your Company, Athletics, and School at
written by: Andre Young