- From command line enter "SETTINGS" then press enter
- It will open the settings tab.
- then select the drawing name, the file name which appear at the top of settings tab and press mouse right-click.
- then select “Edit drawing settings”, mouse left-click.
- next window will appear to select the coordinate system.
- Select drawing units to Meters.
- Then if you know the code of your coordinate system write it as shown. I will consider the code is "UTM84-30n"
- when you write it, AutoCAD will automatically fill the missing fields.
- If we don't know the code of coordinate system, In the field "Category" write starting letter for the required coordinate systme.
- Since I need UTM-WGS 1984 datum, I will press U.
- AutoCAD will move up to the first name started with U.
- then scroll down till we find the required coordinate systme.
- When we click the system we get the coordinate system, but it is required to select the required zone.
- Click the arrow to scroll down till you find the required zone.
- Or we can modify the zone by writing the required zone.
Then select "Apply" then "ok".