How to define, activate and protect your brand DNA in 2025
Friday's CMO Coffee Talk discussion about building and protecting your brand's DNA seemed to naturally shift into perspectives on brand investments in 2025. It's clear that more B2B organizations are planning to better balance brand and demand in the new fiscal year.
How and where? You'll find clues in the CMO Coffee Talk chat highlights below.
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I’d love to know what everyone is planning on spending $ on for brand (and solution/product) awareness in 2025
So many great brand "examples" are B2C, is that because they're sexier or actually better?
For enterprise B2B, what channels have you found to be most effective for brand building and awareness? Content syndication (not for DG), newsletter insertions, paid webinars, others? Assume mature category with challenger (replacement) brand.
I was asked to provide this yesterday. I said "well, give me the 2025 company goals first." Little cheeky but I'm not going to blindly throw out a number.
the right approach!
100%. I have my plan and am carving out room for awareness goals. I’d love try some new things.
Agree 100%.? And next step is communicating the budget as a % of revenue, or new revenue, so it ties directly to the goal.
I've finished a 2-year analysis in our CRM on what types of activities, events, campaigns, etc. for brand awareness contributed most to pipeline. It was a combination of channel partner events, content syndication including paid webinars and panels, collaborative user groups hosted by channel partners, and analyst relations.
I think the right channel/co-marketing partners is a big piece. paid webinars (often through some of those partners) also gains exposure to new audiences you can nurture. Analyst relations, industry awards, G2, Gartner Peer Insights, etc. Be everywhere people are looking and find as valid resources.
We do that kind of "marketing influenced revenue" analysis ongoing, tracking revenue back to what the client engaged with (event, email, content, etc) for the three years prior to the revenue.
brand and awareness are different, you guys get this but I'm surprised how many marketers and biz/GTM leaders don't
Media takeovers still work to make a big splash and impact— high impact, high frequency, high share of voice.
I inherited a $10M spend on paid display ads aimed at “brand awareness” - measurement was video watches ?? Fortunately I have repurposed most of this to revenue generating stuff, but I’d love to use some of this to test some other ideas.
Brand reputation = Awareness + Perception + Preference and associated components
it's all rough spreadsheet data. I built it mostly for me to take to my CFO and CEO for budget planning. I may use my homegrown CMO GPT to make it look pretty ??
Paid media was 72% of my overall programs budget when I started in January !
Informs and differentiates.
Problem here is many founders and CEO’s don’t get this and no matter how much you preach it, they just don’t
It was her and her former business partner who first taught me (this was like 2006) "your brand is not what you say it is, it's what other people say it is." Big difference. You can't define what your brand is around a conference table with just your internal team.
Agree! CEOs may consider this as a squishy topic.
Sea of sameness in B2B— needs to change!
“Investing in brand” can mean so many different things - curious what are some of the big investments folks are making these days
My definition is a brand is what people think and feel about you based on what you tell them and show them.? And to her point, you need to be very intentional with the C-suite to define that.? I'm in B2B...
So true...!!
more than 90% of B2B SaSS companies won’t pass the “homepage switch test” (switch copies between your homepage and your competitors page- will anyone notice?)
In deeper tech like cybersecurity, there is a lot of pressure to just “say what it is” in website/communications.? I’ve personally fallen into this.? How do people think about this with regard to brand?
One of the worst questions in my opinion is "what are we spending on brand/ awareness vs. lead gen?"
Do we have some good examples of brand definition documents in CMO Coffee Talk somewhere?
How about communicating this message to investors? I find the csuite gets it but our investors are much more focused on product messaging
It’s what people say about when you’re NOT in the room. It’s cliche because it’s true - you have to deliver on the brand promises you communicate.
?we employ the 95/5 rule, which is becoming more prevalent in B2B. Although 95% of our audience isn't in market, exposing our brand to them accelerates results when they move to in-market.? I used this chart in our presentation at Breakthrough .
I am not a fan of the “intel inside” or “just do it” examples - I find them archaic, not to mention they were built with billions in advertising - if you look at how the new great brands are built - it’s not with a tagline
I agree with him. Best cyber positioning is just to be clear here is why we are different. Because so many of the solutions use the same 3 or 4 templated messaging.
In a crowded market like cyber (and accounting/consulting) you can't just say what it is - the brand is what makes you the right choice among many undifferentiated players.
I think many C-levels still think a brand is just a logo - so getting $$$ to build the brand that leads to unique customer experiences is a challenge. Customer experience in B2B has been a slow roll IMO.
...then telling your CEO it's different than what he thinks. That's super fun.
Timely topic! Cyber Security and Trust in brands: would love and welcome all opinions.
Educating/influencing the C-suite is a core competency for a b2b cmo.
Competitive positioning exercises
TBH, I'm on the job hunt. Most of the marketing leadership intreviews have included an element of "building the brand". I've been pleasantly surprised by the value being placed in the brand.
When we say “spend on brand” - what do we actually mean? What are we spending money on that we consider brand?
I think it depends on the job to be done: Unaware -> Aware? Change perception? Position as a leader?
Partnering with the Chief People Officer is critical.? Your brand represents both internal and external so that alignment and championing is critical.
And why do we often connect "brand" and "spend"?
I mean we talk about budget and people ask how much we allocate to brand?
I have also found success in crafting a company POV to define/align on the brand pillars.? Involving both brand and? CSuite stakeholders in that process help educate and give them a voice.
Don’t think spend ;) - think invesment in building your customer experience from cradle to grave and how you bring them back to life again.? The full journey.
Agree! Loving today's topic and the chat.
Either way - “spend” or “investment” - what are we buying and saying we “invested in brand”?
I would get credibility first by owning a revenue number and succeeding in demand gen. Build on that for more strategic brand definition and awareness spend.
Focus on simple control points — for example, for sales track if more people have heard of you when sales calls, more folks in the room know you when they pitch. Also look at how many new contacts say they heard about you from a referral. Sometimes using stories vs a table of metrics is more impactful with sales, CEOs and boards.
I found that brand develops incrementally through many conversions and actions across multiple stakeholders.
The “big bang” around capital B brand implementation is harder to pull off in smaller B2B startups. (big bang is much more than here’s our new logo, brand colors.)
100%. And very consistent with the notion that brand is the perception of the prospect, not something you do.? Perceptions and reputation are earned over time and multiple reps.
Thanks again. Super helpful and mad respect for the data-driven analysis.
that was very helpful as a way to present peers the importance of brand to turn have them look in the mirror at how brand influences their own decisions
It's a fascinating (maddening?) disconnect if you need to (a) attract new logos that have not previously heard of you and (b) increase conversion/win rates but then hear 'we should focus less on brand and more on demand.'
where are these brand-savvy B2B CFOs you speak of
60/20/20 (Demand/Brand/Experimentation)
Same for B2G- government leaders in c suite are same as commercial
In your baseball stadium, it's sponsoring the scoreboard.
What do you include in experimentation?
Or how I tell CEOs (60/20/20 - Short term/long term/try shit out)
Brand affects partnerships as well
Could be anything. Just trying different things out we haven’t done before
xxx is doing this better than anyone right now. Their product is so much better in cyber than anything else. They don’t even actually have a true head of marketing.
Coffee Talk has a billion dollar brand feel.
He has done on amazing job without it being about him.
Brand building today: we heard from a guy a fractional CMO call who grew to 250k views on his podcasts within a year through the Opus platform.
Liquid Death is a great example... the CEO even says it has nothing to do with the quality of the water
Re: Liquid Death - I think this is why it’s so important to figure out what brand archetype you fit into and lean into it.
love the brand archetypes framework
The Apple products are a core of the brand, as is the experience with the product (from the buying experience to the packaging etc.). Apple taught this in the in-house Apple University. Brand is not just marketing, it’s everything. You won’t succeed in building a brand if you just focus on the “marketing” aspects.
How's their market share?? I'm way outside their target market, but if it works then it's a strong brand.? Just cool doesn't do it.
Liquid Death = outlaw archetype (just like Harley Davidson). I’d put Pavilion into Sage.
Exactly that — I told my wife after the conference that “it’s 100%? smart people”? — it feels good to be around smart people.
I think with something like Apple. Getting a few strong users on it and it should spread like wildfire through WOM. If your product is THAT strong, it should still work
My perspective on all this: Brand Marketing needs to perform. And Performance Marketing needs to build brand.
People buy from people
Agree - give people a way for them to share how they feel. This supports what I said earlier in my findings - sponsored collaboratives for our CISOs were a big impact on our brand awareness contribution to pipeline. It's a trusted circle. Third-party or channel hosted - but it gave CISOs a place to talk
Right... use images and visuals in a competitive positioning exercise with the rest of the csuite
Folks need to be consistent and embody your brand— every point of contact
Organic SEO !
I believe they are killing it :)
EPOC— every point of contact...
So is that just consistency and intentionality in what we’re already doing?
And one of the problems with dialing back on investing in brand is you won't pick up later where you left off.
Tv, radio, web, events/panels
One channel B2B does not leverage enough I think is CTV
Depends on your market and audience, channels
Conferences - speaking, networking, private dinners
Part of investing in brand for me and my team is “how do folks feel when we show up” online and in person. There are specific costs aligned to this, but also behaviors aligned to it.
But what are you paying for when we say “investment in organic”?
I think trade shows are a huge brand lever. Less spillage, too.
Organic— great content with Keywords that the google and big crawlers will pick up over time, based on target audience research and needs time
So very often when we say we are “investing in brand” we are really “investing in awareness”
If you subscribe to the fact that your “brand” is your? core promise, personality etc.
Measure the customer journey and the current touchpoints... organic is usually in multiple stages
Agree - ????? investing in web redesign and refreshes + SEO/SEM is everything, especially in B2B brand building. Top priority.
Content development, which may include research and sponsored content, case studies, as well as PR and AR for example
Most times yes. But sometimes we mean changing perception. People are aware, but have the wrong notion about you.
SEO specialist, content creators, technical SEO, link building…content for the full funnel.
So headcount or external people creating content?
To answer his earlier question. At one company, we started investing into a sloth theme (live one at some conferences, then the stuffed ones we send to every conference, as a mail out campaign. It held strong for a few years).
Describe succinctly what really makes you different— meaningful point of difference to your target audience
For organic, it’s all about setting expectations about the results. What is the goal? More visitors? Influence on current pipeline? If net new, how many are visitors in your ICP. When it comes to tracking down funnel impact of the organic play, how many of those conversions were a result of that traffic. It’s easier said than done, but the better you can tie revenue to that organic traffic, the easier it will be to make your case for budget dollars.
Sonos rebuilt their mobile app and it’s horrible, breaks their fundamental value prop of easy to use premium experience
Nike tried going counter-culture during the Olympics. Fell on their face.
And CEO fails over and over in comments to market, actions, etc
Per my “great product” comment, WNBA marketers also look like geniuses this year (cough cough Caitlin Clark)
Goal for next time:? Have a brand conversation that doesn't include apple, nike, intel, or any automotive brands.? Is it even possible?
They built on a controversy, and kept going, and it worked.
If the product is there, you can influence the Csuite to build the brand by basing it on client stories and feedback.
Or salesforce.. Take something new that started recently and grew
FWIW — the CMO Coffee Talk brand is an interesting case study — earned, socially communicated, and strong.
Scale AI
Crisis communications
I don’t think they were actually hurt by this though; they’re still winning deals. THAT is the power of brand
They had some foot faults, but I think they’ve mostly recovered
I agree. Too often they're valued and measured as a bottom funnel lead generation sales initiative.
oh yeah, that fell flat
That’s 22$ Canadian! 1 Starbucks coffee!
What about linkedin and brand trust after the member post scrape to train genAI?
Gift site didn’t work because they used crowdstrike and had an outage? ??
Recursive nightmare?
Crisis PR - gotta be ready before something happens.
All elt members should be trained on crisis communications!
It's not the crime, it's the coverup.
Crisis comms is not that hard - respond quickly, apologize profusely, say how you’re going to fix it - yet so many people get it wrong
Disappointment:? Expectations minus Reality
Three rules to admitting fault:
Do it quickly
Do it fully
Do it in person
When your VC wears your branded vest, things are good!
When your VC stops wearing your branded vest... :/
A lot of this has to do with the complexity of products/services being sold to companies .. they are complicated, and at times the brand/brand perception bridges the gap .. ‘will you always be there to solve my problem with whatever this magic is?’
Good rule of thumb…if you have to wonder wether you should use the Oxford comma in your vision or mission statement, you’re doing it wrong.
Disney = Fun + heatstroke for me
Good point, because you shouldn’t wonder - just use the damn thing when appropriate
I know we’re talking Walmart, but I read in the NYT, that the last Kmart just closed. End of a brand....
There was an old joke…”Microsoft will finally make a product that doesn’t suck when it makes a vacuum cleaner”
And now it’s in my head! One of the best basslines of all time.
Is that Blockbuster in Oregon still open??
Microsoft - customer support is huge part of their brand. Compare the support you get from MS vs Google ??
I had a CEO once switch everything to Microsoft because Google was unresponsive during an outage.
I've used this story to explain brand?to our tech- and product-oriented exec peers because we all know how hard that is. :(
In the Philippines, lots of poor people and a few rich people. But many go to Starbucks to buy expensive coffee because the brand makes them feel good as a human. For just a few mins, they feel elevated in society. They go to Starbuck to see and be seen, even though they pay half their day's?wage for a coffee. That's how I've explained brand. It's often how we make people feel, not what they buy.
Kmart still is alive in Australia. Have a pic from our field marketing team yesterday to prove it!
Elizabeth Holmes would probably disagree that you can’t fake brand/company DNA.? ?? ??
That was my soap opera when it was on. Ah, those days.
Crazy story on that one. She was a graduate of my high school and we were seeking her acceptance of an honored alumni award when that WSJ story broke. Then we said - pass on that follow up and let’s hope that idea dies…..
Plenty of lesser products that are marketed well can win in the market
It's a connecton from BoogieWonderland on Air EW&F.
Talked to a founder yesterday who said he was spending all of his runway on engineering and was going to wait to do market validation after he raised a Seed. . . ??♀?
IBM = global iconic brand
I’m interested in the questions / interrogation of the internal team to understand which of the 3 archetypes you are? What are some of those questions and how you unpack which one your company is?
I spoke to a founder like a month ago who actually told me “let’s hold on spending on brand. Let’s hold on any large costs for lead generation. Isn’t there some email campaign you can run at no cost so we can grow our revenue?” I’m totally serious!!
IMHO: You have a brand. You may not have developed with intention, and you may not even know what it is. But your customers know what it is.
Vulnerability of brands to crisis is another consideration, a lot of recent examples with security breaches.? Having a proactive plan in place makes a difference in responding to maintain the integrity and reputation of a brand.
interesting point about being "considered more".? I wonder how much more you can accelerate growth by investing in that "consideration" moment and capturing attention vs investing in a new motion (SLG-->PLG, Upmarket, etc)
Who is having potatoes for lunch? ??
I equate trust building with brand. I always think about where the company is in this grid.
I totally disagree here. Every time I download an eBook, I absolutely want to get on the phone with a seller. Cmon!!
I was just going to say.... we had to renew Marketo 'BAU' for another year after a multiyear legacy contract expired due to timing/budget restrictions, but year of reckoning will be in 2025 with hubspot in mind
“May not know what it is” and will likely not like what it is.
Our B2B company has grown through acquisitions. We are in the process of building out a re-brand to unify all companies under one brand. Some of the companies were previously rolled into the current parent company brand, while others continued to exist under their initial brands. Wondering about any best practices on getting all employees educated and bought in on the new brand especially the employees where their old company brands are going away?
?We moved to Marketo 18 mos ago and I miss Hubspot every day
They may blow, but their brand and story is very clear - same with their ICP. They know their audience.
My spider sense tells me we are going to get an AI POV very soon. But I could be wrong!
Progressive and Geico have worked to change their brand personality to one of humor and irreverence in the Insurance space which historically was very stodgy
Be intentional about brand development and make sure the whole company is aligned on the Brand DNA. Spot on.
They are trying to take SFDC’s audience in CRM and it just won’t fly IMO
I agree and applicable for “scary” B2B spaces like cybersecurity, AI — and her example of actuarial into joy. Flip the script
See what I don’t under here is how do marketing leaders find the time to do any of this. Doesn’t creating branded napkins and pretty videos take up all of our time?
And Liberty Liberty …
If that's the situation, you are in trouble.
I sneak it in between logo’d Stanley Cups and 27 point email sequences
You can have a branded house, or a house of brands, or, as you have, a hybrid.
Consider audience first. The more homogeneous your audiences and their needs, the more likely a branded house strategy.
Q - How do you think about a "Strategic Narrative" through the lens of "Brand?"
town halls. don't have to be in person but in person helps. have a communication plan. have worked on a project involving this back in the 2010s. with lots of interviews of staff at acquired companies. the parent company would host sessions weekly with updates based on feedback and show progress towards overall corporate improvvements.? very helpful.
i just shot logo’d S cups. Was costing a fortune.
What about AI and PPC?
It’s a “job’s to be done” model.? How do you make your brand the one the customer trust and go to first when they have a need.
Brand can make you be the first site that they go to.
sounds like their customers are price driven so to create loyalty it has to either be subscription that monitors pricing and alerts them to “buy” “hold” for members if they want more LTV growth
I would approach creating a brand that champions thought leadership about problems that cause device issues
content, top of mind, success stories where you the company “saved the day” create a fleet of? impossible situations with the broken machine, part, —? and the company saved the day.? This could be a very fun brand architecture that is evergreen with true viral lift. The videos could be super fun.? What a great client you have.? This is a brand problem that begs to be solved.
I cannot recommend Lindsay Pedersen enough - she has a ton of frameworks and methodologies and a great book called Forging an Ironclad Brand. I have worked with her on 2 B2B brands.
I would start a proactive maintenance campaign - be seen as super helpful in helping them to avoid needing to buy a part so when they actually need one they come to you
Second that on Lindsay Pedersen
(Cough) take it offline (cough) - sorry I have this cold!
How about incentivizing referrals with Starbucks cards?
That's brilliant!
Grainger is a great example in this category.
omg I LOVE this framework, STEALING!!!! #SKOplanningseason
Let’s put it this way, when we handed the PPC mgmt to our agency, they were amazed by our founder’s genius in terms of how he set up the company’s paid startegy
HubSpot started targeting small companies and now have pivoted to an enterprise target. That's a change in their brand and brand DNA!
Salesforce + HubSpot has had better UX and learning curve is much easier for campaigns tracking attribution, I wouldn't trade SFDC for Husbpot CRM at all
Expand how they make money as a price aggregate site (even if they lose to competitors, but using the co-operative competition model) and sell ad slots on their pages and get price-searchers to come on their site (beat the price for signed in members?)
that may be true but their solution for CRM is awful. Just absolutely awful
Regarding eCommerce that would often be perceived as a commodity:
As a DIYer, has become my single go to destination brand for all replacement parts, and it is rarely the cheapest.
They have positioned themselves around “helping the world fix things” rather than a basic parts dealer. The provide teardown diagrams and fix-it content to help me take that part and make an actual repair.
Brilliant for the DIYer - they sent me a fridge magnet that now lives on my beer fridge in the garage and reinforces their brand position in my mind every time I reach for a drink. ??
The tone and execution of B2B Demand Generation becomes the main experience most prospects have of a brand, and shapes how the brand is perceived for most prospects.
Speaking of testing/rant - we set up a bunch of a/b tests in Hubspot and I haven’t been able to select a winner in over a month. Support is not supportive and keeps closing my ticket. Bruh - I’m finally using your tools and they don’t work.
But wait they have an orange brand. Lets excuse that their solution blows ??
Their customer support is giving Microsoft a run for their money
Does anyone else have brand % estimates?
Yes, that's the evolution of the brand where HubSpot doesn't feel like it needs a superior CRM.
I actually had to email a random support address at MS for an Outlook issue and it was resolved in a week!
Branding, true world-class sit down pull a team together, do the research, invest in all the elements branding is expensive, lengthy and painful. If you’re a smaller company with two nickles, you can start to lay down some basics within everything you execute with the hope that one day you can do it ‘right’.? The advantage of nickels is you can experiment . Don’t be disheartened. Dream about the future. Help your customers/prospects/employees to see the vision even if they can’t touch it today.
Spammy emails and pestering AEs form prospects reactions - and those reactions become the perceived brand experience.
When we say brand campaign - what does everyone mean by that in terms of messaging?? I have my thoughts but curious how others view it
I also have Oracle brand and demand stories! 16 years there.
If anyone gets a chance try to find and watch the History Channel Series on 'The Food that Made America" and watch the Cereal Wars episode it is a huge case study on this topic.
Brand is viewed unfortunately as "discretionary" when budgets are extremely tight.? I've seen this movie several times...
Is it how we categorize / label? these activities?? Maybe we should not itemize branding vs. demand gen to CEO/CFO etc.? [Since we know branding drives demand gen]
How do you create demand for your solutions if they don't know who you are?
I tie everything to growth and demand, regardless if it is a brand awareness or brand impact play.?? In fact, during a global brand launch, I updated my Linked in profile title to Chief Marketing and Growth Officer.? I thought this would align brand to growth overtly
The brand exists in the minds of the market. If you don't keep it fresh and top of mind people will forget or ignore the brand.
Brand spend is “future pipeline”
<snark>If you kill your brand spend, just think how many more one-pagers you can make for the sales team. </snark>
What if we change the language by calling branding campaigns “top of funnel for prospect awareness of our company”? If prospects aren’t aware of your company how can they engage and convert to leads and pipeline?
So, rebranding branding?
Love it!
when I was in financial services, I worked in a very niche upmarket division and our consumer brand !$!@ed us over bc the brand had been historically known to be a challenger brand with cheeky/off-kilter ads. our leadership was concerned about acquisitions and just cared about bottom funnel metrics when the core issue was that our upmarket customer didn't trust / take our brand overall seriously
Sales also erodes the brand with relentless automated outreach! ??
or making up their own collateral/creatives in MS paint
The first dollar of brand spend, IMHO, goes to avenues where my brand can bask in the warm glow of a well known and respected brand: keynote / panel speaking roles, joint content / research, PR, AR.
Ah - another aspect of Brand: Community-Affinity. It's the people who also choose the brand.
if you have the data…90 days after this part fails, this other part usually fails, need a spare now?
Which perhaps brings it to the "strategic Narrative" question I was asking about.
always always learn so much from these sessions
marketing team setting expectations with pre launch meetings/socialization: launches full funnel campaign
leadership 1HR after launch: how come we don't have 12412421 leads yet*
/facepalm lo
She is running a PsyOps on her peers - it is exactly what I would do as our CFO does’t get brand.
Brand is the conduit to creating emotional connection
The big question is are you a Cybertruck owner?
This is what I had to do at the last place, to help sales understand what I was doing and why…
“We want to spend only on performance marketing, and also we want to be like Apple."
I've used "brand preference", "brand equity", and "brand education" v. brand awareness, bc 'awareness' is fluffy for a lot of execs
Gibson makes me feel like Jimmy Page
Fender makes me feel like Jimmy Hendrix
Operative word is “feel”
They sell or list MILLIONS of parts literally.? I don’t think they currently have the bandwidth to predict or understand if part A fails, chances are par B or C might fail down the road.
Good idea though.? Thx for sharing.
Is “Ludicrous mode” branding or is it product.
Corporate narratives bring the brand to life ... having worked with orgs of all sizes, soooo many orgs overlook under-utilized brand assets (strengths) in their storytelling -- which are market differentiators and ultimately super compelling for sales. Working across the org to ID brand proofpoints - leveraged in storytelling -- helps connect with internal/external stakeholders.
Another classic example…Harley Davidson. Hard to find a better example of activating a community around a brand.
The Unaware—>Problem Aware —> Solution Aware —> Product Aware framework works well in gaining understanding of the need for marketing up the funnel.
Yes, brand = trust (or distrust depending on how you handle it).
Brand is about belief. That belief is based on brand trust. Trust reduces risk. Brand is about reducing perceived risk.
Agree with what they are saying about Belief.? I talk about it as this flow: Awareness — Understanding — Belief — Preference — Advocacy
One of my favorite managers talked about how the brand is even about the hold music in your customer support department
Classic ad for brand
Yesterday, I accidentally tried to schedule a blast in Mailchimp for the day before. Mailchimp’s message to me was “Hey, time travel is still hard.” Love it
yesss. we rolled out new corporate values for 2024 and trust was one of them
I find adding a slide in sales decks "Principles We Believe about [Category] helps to create alignment on beliefs and builds credibility. Brand credibility is so important.
Brand is 70% about the service and 30% what the brand tells it does
Yes to crisis comms!
Great conversation on brand...thanks!
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4 个月Matt, thanks for sharing! We are hosting a CRO Roundtable/Mastermind on October 29th at Noon EST covering the “Blueprint for CRO Success with Warren Zenna of the CRO Collective and Michael Falato of Full Throttle Leads. We would love to have you be one of our special guests! Please join us by using this link to register for the zoom: Mastermind Event Title: The Blueprint for CRO Success Purpose: To create a collaborative environment for Chief Revenue Officers and senior revenue leaders to share strategies, tackle challenges, and exchange practical insights. This exclusive, invite-only session aims to help participants refine their revenue growth playbooks and build a strong network of peers.
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4 个月I'd love to hear some takeaways on how CMOs are handling those transitions in today's fast-paced market Matt Heinz.
Founder at Cred.Marketing (and something new and exciting) | Learn about B2B marketing + AI | Speaker
4 个月thank you for sharing with us Matt Heinz.
ATTN B2B Consultants: Generate 2X Highly-Targeted Qualified Leads | DOUBLE Your Client Base | Founder & Lead Gen Architect at ConsultLeadX | Outbound Marketer
4 个月Matt Heinz, thanks for sharing this insightful discussion!
Matt Heinz, thank you for sharing this insightful discussion! ?