How to Defeat Procrastination

How to Defeat Procrastination

Every college student has been in this situation before, as they endlessly scroll across social media, pushing off their six page essay due at midnight until a later hour. It happens to all of us, yet, many of us have still yet to find a solution to the problem of procrastination. Here are 3 ways to beat it this summer and be the best version of yourself:

  1. Don’t forget physical health is just as important as mental health. It’s easy to think that procrastination is entirely a mental problem and that a change in mindset is what is necessary, however, keeping in good shape is paramount for getting productive work done. By getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, eating healthy meals and working out consistently, people can improve their focus and motivation up to two fold according to the Blue Light Health Organization and with improved focus and motivation comes less procrastination.
  2. Change up your study environment. Often times, our rooms, offices and homes can be filled with subconscious distractions that keep us from really getting focused on our work. By simply relocating to a library or coffee shop, you can remove these distractions and allow yourself to focus entirely on work. Another added benefit of going somewhere new to get your work done is that it invests you in your work in the moment. If you go to a library to study, you are going to study, however, if you stay home to study you could easily get distracted and end up doing something entirely different.
  3. Finally, be sure to have a balance of work and rest in your day to day life. No person is a superhuman who can work nonstop at their full mental capacity, breaks are a necessary part of getting productive work done. By scheduling regular times each day to get work done, as well as to do whatever you want to do, you can remain organized in your day and keep from falling behind or doing an entire project in one day. Everything in moderation will always lead to the most success.


