How to Defeat BAD MOOD
Jennifer Casullar
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Have you ever experienced waking up in the morning and you only have 15 minutes to get ready for work? Then, when going to work, here comes of a heavy rain, but you forget to bring umbrella. All you have to do is to find a shade for you not to get to wet. At that place, the bus drives by, splashing you with muddy water. You shouldn’t need to show how miserable you are. Do something to make you feel better. We cannot control what will happen each day, especially when there is overloaded projects and proposals, disagreements with your co-worker or boss. Do not let your bad mood ruin your whole day instead, do something for it to make you feel better.
Exercise regularly
If you feel fatigue and exhaust, your mind cannot function well. Reduce your tension by exercising your body. You don’t have to be a good sport, jogging is fine. Even walking and swimming help a lot for a stress person.
Sleeping and eat right
We should have a proper sleeping time in order to be alert to deal with problems whenever encounters. Sometimes, if you are so much stress, you cannot easily sleep then you will feel irritable in whatever you do. Too much sleep makes you impatient and groggy. Therefore, nine hours is the best amount of sleep that our body really needs.
Balanced diet should be observant. Junk foods gives you lift but it is only temporary. Your energy levels turn out into lower level than before. Caffeine may cause you nervousness. Honesty, there is no unhealthy foods if you put everything in limitation.
Talk it out
Some people hate a talkative person. A person, who talks a lot for the same topics many times, makes us irritably. But by talking, you may figure out answers for yourself. You cannot forcing somebody listens to your feelings or problems. Therefore, find a friend who is positive thinker or you have same situation but he or she already overcome the problem. Above all, nobody would help you anyway but you can start solving by your own self.
Do not blow obstacles out of proportion
Worrying too much makes you feel down. Without having mistakes, you will not learn. It is because mistakes make you to become a better person. We cannot bring back the past so you must go forward and be optimistic in life. Your negative thoughts will not help you at the same time it gives you stress. Learn from your failures and make sure that these won’t happen again. Learn to see the humor in less than ideal situation.
Act the right part
Hiding from your true behaviors is not bad. Hiding your true feelings is not fake persons. But not knowing that showing to everyone even I you are not is a big help for a miserable person. In many psychological researchers, if you change your behavior, your emotions will automatically go in the same direction. So why don’t we give smiles than frown expression? If you’re not totally happy, then, make your environment happy. Play your favorite music and watch interesting movie that make you feel amusement. Life would be miserable if you won’t live your life into fullest. Spend time with family or friends, to be laughed with.
In severe cases, seek counseling
Thinking good things happened in life is not enough to get over the bad moods. Sometimes it takes too much time before you feel better. Bad moods hinder your ability to do your activities and interact with others. You are just human and it is normal to feel that way so it is not also bad if you seek help to the people who could help you to your assignment or schoolwork. They can do something about it.
Bad moods have no standard to get rid out it. But you, yourself have something to do with it. You must know how get ready to attack bad moods. Take control of it before it takes control of you.