How Deep Are Your Footprints?
We’re all aware of our impact on the environment and how we need to reduce our negative influence on the world around us. But do you ever consider the impact of your behaviour on the thoughts and feelings of others? What kind of effect are you having on the lives of those around you?
The eastern tradition of karma reminds us that our actions always produce consequences. But it’s easy to forget how our behaviour can leave a lasting impression on the people we interact with. We might know how long it takes for a plastic bag to break down after it’s been discarded. Do we know how long our words and actions remain imprinted on the hearts and minds of the people we share our lives with? We all leave footprints on other people’s pathways. The question for today is to consider the enduring nature of those tracks and traces.
Pollution can take many forms and our negative attitudes can cause damage for others as well as for ourselves. As we aim to reduce our ecological footprint on the planet’s eco-systems, how wise it would be to tread more lightly on the hearts and minds of others. When you consider the profound impact of childhood influences on your current thoughts and feelings, you can better appreciate how our words and actions can lay lasting foundations in the attitudes of others. Let us seek to tread more lightly on the Earth and aim to sow the seeds of happiness, wellbeing and personal fulfilment in the hearts of everyone we encounter. Look around you and take a moment to see how your footprints are leaving an impression upon your world. See where you are sowing the seeds of karma and how you can soften the effects of your presence. The Earth demands our respect. As do the people we encounter during the course of our journey along life’s pathway. The fact is that we all make a difference every day. Let’s aspire to make a positive contribution to the world and to make a positive contribution to everyone whose life we touch. Together, we really can make the world a safer, better place to share.