How to decrease uncertainty in geological modelling
One data, multiple models (see Reid and Cowan 2023 and download supplemental word file)

How to decrease uncertainty in geological modelling

The two animations above represent a series of contrasting geological models created from 11 different drilling patterns, all with identical lithological data sampled from a base model with known fold geometry and volume. Those on the left were created using the default settings in Leapfrog software, leading to volumes that vary from ?12% to +48% of the known base volume with the majority over-estimating the volume. In contrast, those on the right exhibited a much tighter volume range of ?5% to +2%.

The highly variable models on the left follow today's expert geological modelling advice. The less variable models on the right use a century-old structural geological method largely ignored by modern resource professionals.

You wouldn't want to be part of a company that generates models like those on the left—their over-blown volumes mean that they overestimated the tonnage and represent an undetected ticking time bomb for your company. Astonishingly, such models, with their geologically unrealistic geometries, frequently appear in technical reports, thus the clues for future financial hardships or even mine failures are hidden in plain sight.

But many geologists, and the software companies that train these geologists to use their software, struggle to differentiate between good and bad models (Cowan, 2017). Furthermore, these geologists often lack awareness of the strategies to mitigate uncertainty in geological models—key strategies that significantly lower the risks of unexpected resource estimation downgrades. In essence, they find themselves caught up in what Donald Rumsfeld referred to as the 'unknown, unknown'—a situation where they are unaware of their own lack of knowledge. Because more sensible solutions are unknown to them, some software makers and resource specialists promote the brute-force approach of creating multiple models to mitigate the risk of getting it wrong (Hollenbeck and Marc, 2015; McManus et al., 2021). But is such an approach appropriate?

This article is a condensed, Reader's Digest-like adaptation of a research paper that Ron Reid and I co-authored. The full paper (Reid and Cowan, 2023) can now be freely accessed and downloaded. The purpose of this article is to address the issue of reducing uncertainty in geological modelling—specifically, it provides interpretation guidance on how to substantially reduce the uncertainty in your geological models.

When referring to geological models, I'm alluding to those used for both mineral exploration and resource estimation within the mining industry. However, in this ‘Lite’ version of the article I’ll guide you on an unconventional detour away from geology, accompanied by informative pictures and videos that don’t appear in my paper with Ron. Most of you are specialists in certain fields, be it resource estimation, mineral exploration, or mining geology, but as a contrarian, I tend to stray beyond the confines of our industry, seeking answers well outside the realm of conventional geology when required. So brace yourself—this article promises a perplexing journey into the unfamiliar, intertwining an unconventional storyline. However, I will circle back to the realm of geology to address the issue of uncertainty in geological modelling.

Parker Challenge

In early 2023 AusIMM conducted an experiment called the Parker Challenge. I've discussed this experiment in another article, but the crux of this contest was how much variation in the estimate and classification would result from one dataset being analysed by many participants. Essentially, the organising committee set a number of resource specialists loose on a single dataset, curious to see the differences in mineral resource estimates that might emerge from such an experiment. Although not an objective of the experiment, I was interested in the root causes of expected resource estimation variations.

So, what seemed to be one of the main sources of this human-induced variability? Domain volumes, as inferred from the grade-tonnage curves of the submissions published by Scott Dunham, one of the organisers of the Parker Challenge ( Scott Dunham , 2023).

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Comparison of grade-tonnage curves of the Parker Challenge entries (Dunham, 2023)

Excluding four outliers, the volume variation was approximately ±200% from the average and the contained metal content was also within this range (Dunham, 2023). The significant fluctuation in volume might not have been unexpected for geologists accustomed to modelling geological data derived from drilling. Yet this large fluctuation in volume could have taken many resource estimation professionals—and even more mining engineers who only get to see the block model—by surprise. Intriguingly, according to Dunham (2023), just a quarter of observers tracking the Parker Challenge on LinkedIn predicted the results to vary more than ±25%.

Despite the advance of geostatistical methods in the academic literature since the 1950s, the ultimate cause of volume variability—the domaining process—is rarely addressed. Geostatisticians seem to prefer not to study or discuss this process, perhaps because it has never been entirely their responsibility to create domain volumes. Typically, they have relied on geologists for this critical aspect of their work.

When I started in the mining industry in 1999, poorly constructed geological models that lacked geological accuracy were common. Sadly, this problem is still prevalent today. You can easily spot flawed geological models in public documents such as NI43-101 technical reports, but they are of a different kind than those from 20 years ago.

At that time, I believed that one partial solution to address this problem was to make the geological modelling process replicable using 3D interpolation for modelling (Cowan et al 2002, 2003). Implicit modelling certainly made replication feasible, but it didn't enhance model quality. Instead, it led to the propagation of substandard models, waiting to blow up another unsuspecting company at any time in the future.

Poorly constructed geological models, often inflated in volume—a distinct characteristic of unconstrained implicit modelling, which did not exist 20 years ago—are now pervasive.

These models form the basis of many Mineral Resource Estimates, yet there's virtually no discussion in the technical reports about how they are produced .

This is the main reason why Ron Reid and I decided to write a paper on this important topic (Reid and Cowan, 2023). Our paper explains, in plain language, what needs to be done to lower and constrain the variability of the domain volumes. The first crucial step involves identifying the object symmetry axis from the raw drilling data and understanding its implications in terms of structural geological controls. This is a century-old method that I discussed in detail in the Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation: The AusIMM Guide to Good Practice (Cowan, 2014), but it has been ignored by the resource estimation community as well as software makers.

Symmetry axis

A symmetry axis has several meanings.

1.????It is an imaginary line that passes through an object and divides it into two mirror-image halves that are identical in shape and size (about the red plane, as shown in the figure below).

2.????It can also be defined as an axis around which an object or system can be rotated and still appear the same (red arrow, below).

3.????It can serve as a line of projection, where an image or object is symmetrically projected onto a plane or another object (red arrow, below).

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Geologically, the first definition is not always an accurate description, but the last two definitions often apply simultaneously. This implies that there is a consistent continuity of grade or lithology along the symmetry axis—many deposits can feature linear grade continuities if you search for them.

The quickest way of determining this axis from drill-sampled grade data is by using an old computer rendering technique called Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP). This simple method is sufficient to tighten up the possible volume variations that can be modelled from sparse drilling data. This process is explained in our paper (Reid and Cowan, 2023), as well as in Cowan (2014), but in this article I’ll use an easy-to-understand analogy from the arts to illustrate the importance of determining the symmetry axis of grade patterns. Now it’s time to take that detour I mentioned earlier.

Mysterious patterns appear in Fremantle

During October 2017, mysterious patterns of yellow paint started to appear on buildings in Fremantle, Western Australia, my home town. The photos below capture some of these strange markings, starting with the yellow paint on the town hall’s clock tower.

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Fremantle town hall, 26 November, 2017
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Many of these painted lines were horizontal or slightly inclined, much like traces of bedding planes familiar to geologists. The building columns could also represent vertical drill holes. Given the large-scale of these paint marks, understanding their meaning can be challenging, and they are an excellent analogy to the often perplexing bedding orientations we encounter in drilling. Collectively, these markings form part of a large-scale 3D geometric puzzle waiting to be solved.

These paint marks (actually yellow-coloured foil to prevent damaging the historic buildings) were strategically positioned by Swiss artist Felice Varini, renowned for his perspectival anamorphic art that relies heavily on the observer's viewpoint. Varini uses architecture and entire towns as canvases for his large-scale paintings (Varini, 2021). To decipher his markings, the observer must stand at a specific viewpoint. The image below shows how the art installation appeared from that viewpoint in Fremantle—now the paint marks start to make sense.

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Viewing 050° along Hay Street, Fremantle, 26 November, 2017

Doesn't this almost resemble a computer-generated image? You can just make out the clock tower from the initial photo in the far-off distance. Here is a video that I took from this vantage point, just to illustrate that this isn’t a computer-generated image.

Try this: cover one half of the above image with your hand, and imagine the yellow markers represent bedding traces. You can immediately appreciate that you could be looking straight down the axis of a recumbent fold. You only see bedding where it intersects the buildings, which are analogous to drill holes. But you can imagine the cylindrical fold system could be present, extruded straight toward and away from you into the ground, in areas where the ‘bedding’ wasn't sampled. The ‘bedding planes’ towards you are unseen merely because those regions lack samples.

The subsequent image represents a subtle shift of just 1° from the vantage point, revealing how the artwork's appearance begins to lose its coherence with only a slight shift in view-line.

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Viewing 051° along Hay Street, Fremantle, 26 November, 2017

Art imitating geology

The photographs above clearly show that anamorphic art only truly comes together when viewed from the specific vantage point it was designed for. This artistic style, first used by the Renaissance master Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519), has fascinated many artists, one of the most publicised being Michael Murphy, from New York City. Much of Murphy’s art comprises materials suspended on wires, so when viewed from an angle that is away from the vantage point, it uncannily resembles drilling data. Below is such an example and one of the art installations featured in this video.

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Sculpture by Michael Murphy
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Sculpture by Michael Murphy
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Here’s another anamorphic art of a female face by Michael Murphy, and this video explains how Murphy creates his art.

Below is another example of perspectival anamorphic art, this time from Bela Borsodi. The image is just a collection of familiar objects, but there’s no order to the objects and the scene appears chaotic. However, when viewed from a specific vantage point, as demonstrated in the second image, these objects align to create an ordered geometric arrangement of four squares. This time-lapse video shows how he constructed this particular image.

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Perspectival anamorphic art by Bela Borsodi
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Perspectival anamorphic art by Bela Borsodi

Geology imitating art

But now you’re asking ‘How does this style of art relate to geology and the interpretation of drilling data?’ What I’m proposing is that geological data can be interpreted and appreciated similarly to anamorphic art. In fact, I said this nearly ten years ago about down-plunge projection views (Cowan, 2014), and I’ve been using this method successfully for nearly 20 years.

You’ll notice that the data obtained from drilling does resemble the oblique views found in these anamorphic artworks. At first glance, drilling data appears complex and disorderly. Looking at them in vertical cross-sections only makes sense under very specific conditions; in general, Ron and I argue in our paper (Reid and Cowan, 2023) that cross-sections add complexity to the interpretation process, and this applies to anamorphic art as well. You cannot comprehend Murphy’s artwork by taking a vertical slice through it. Instead, there's only a single, very specific view-line that allows you to understand anamorphic art through 2D projection. Hence, it's crucial to identify this unique axis, which enables geological data to be projected onto a 2D image and helps us understand it.

But let’s pause for a minute, because there’s another very critical, but subtle step, that must occur for the interpreter to make use of this axial direction in geological interpretation. The anamorphic art examples I’ve shown you are based on commonly recognisable objects (e.g. a human eye, face, or clearly defined geometric objects such as arcs and squares). As humans, we are easily able to recognise these features, so this is why anamorphic art can be easily appreciated by everyone.

But in the case of geological data sampled from drilling, the story isn’t so simple. Instead, the interpreter must be able to recognise the geological significance of the projected structural patterns and what they mean. This requires a much more specialised skill.?

Another way to say this is that the interpreter must be familiar with structural anatomy, because it is structure that controls grade distribution in mineral deposits.

For example, the following is an animated movie of synthetic dataset we used in our paper where the fold pattern is easily identifiable. Here, I'm rotating the model around the Z-axis, which results in 72?unique views (the number of 5° segments in a 360° rotation). However, when dealing with 3D datasets, the potential number of unique views increases dramatically to 1296, because both the 360° compass azimuths and 90° plunges are dissected into 5° sections.?

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Unfortunately, most geologists have a heavily biased understanding of what ‘structures’, mean. My experience is that most assume significant ‘structures’ are brittle faults, and these are what they look for in the field as well as in core and in grade patterns. But faults only affect a small volume of the rock mass, even though ductile fabric can, at times, dominate 100% of the host rock mass, yet they are poorly understood by most geologists. If you saw these unfamiliar grade distribution geometries on a computer monitor, would you be able to understand the structural meaning of the patterns? I’d argue this wouldn’t be possible unless you’re already familiar with examining structural features in outcrop and accustomed with structural geometries. To test your own ability, here’s a simple example you might want to try:

In this example, I make it really easy for you—I spin the data about the Z-axis, and one frame contains the axial view of the deposit (the commodity is not relevant). The questions I’d ask you are:

  1. What is the plunge-azimuth of the axial view? You can pause the video and read the azimuth from the upper left indicator.
  2. Interpret the grade distribution from a structural geological perspective. What is likely controlling the grade distribution?

If you want to know the solution, the above deposit is discussed toward the end of the video that accompanies this article (Cowan, 2022).

Here are some more anamorphic views of grade distributions, viewing parallel to the symmetry axis (from Cowan, 2014). Can you make out the structural geological meaning of these grade distributions?

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Down-plunge views of mineral deposits from Cowan (2014). Scale bars are all 100m and views are at or near entire deposit-scale.


The method of identifying the mineralisation symmetry axis from drilling data is identical to the way perspectival anamorphic art is visualised and understood (Cowan, 2014). Even though applying this method is a prerequisite for accurate implicit modelling, software manufacturers seem to underestimate its importance, as evidenced by the poor quality of the models we encounter in the industry.

The results of the inaugural Parker Challenge clearly demonstrate that the greatest source of uncertainty in resource estimation is defining estimation domains. I believe this is caused by the lack of awareness of the natural order which can be deciphered from drilling data using techniques that have been forgotten over time. The literature from the 1950s shows remarkable block diagrams, which are far more structurally superior to the so-called ‘geological models’ that are produced this century using the latest implicit modelling software. Those authors knew the secret to effective structural interpretation using the down-plunge method. We can only blame our collective ignorance of structural geology that brought us to this point.

Geological modelling for exploration and Mineral Resource Estimation is not just a straightforward exercise in meaningless geometric shape modelling that can be accomplished by anyone, as many professionals and software makers have assumed. Rather, it is an exercise in fundamental structural geological analysis (Cowan, 2017). Since the late 1950s, the resource estimation process has largely overlooked structural geological factors, but it is illogical and inefficient to suggest methods to quantify resource modelling uncertainty without taking structural architecture into account. My prediction is that modern domaining concepts, which entirely ignore geological relationships and structural geometry, are bound to end in catastrophic results, irrespective of whether they use artificial intelligence and machine learning. Instead, I believe that a thorough human understanding of the geological and structural aspects at the deposit-scale is the crucial first step to developing sound resource estimates. Without this understanding, mining companies are perpetually at risk of encountering unexpected and dramatic Mineral Resource Estimate downgrades.



Cowan, E.J., Beatson, R.K., Fright, W.R., McLennan, T.J. and Mitchell, T.J. 2002,?Rapid Geological Modelling.?In: S. Vearncombe, S. (ed.) Applied Structural Geology for Mineral Exploration and Mining International Symposium Abstract Volume. Australian Institute of Geoscientists Bulletin, 36, 39–41.

Cowan, E.J., Beatson, R.K., Ross, H.J., Fright, W.R., McLennan, T.J., Evans, T.R., Carr, J.C., Lane, R.G., Bright, D.V., Gillman, A.J., Oshust, P.A. and Titley, M. 2003,?Practical Implicit Geological Modelling.?In: Dominy, S. (ed.) Fifth International Mining Geology Conference Proceedings. Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Publication Series No 8/2003, p. 89–99.

Cowan, E.J., 2014, ‘X-ray Plunge Projection’—Understanding Structural Geology from Grade Data. In Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation ; The AusIMM Guide to Good Practice. Monograph 30 (Second Edition, pp. 207-220.). The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

Cowan, E. J., 2017, The fundamental reason why your geological models may be completely wrong. LinkedIn article. [accessed 2 June, 2023]

Cowan, E.J., 2022, 3D grade distribution i?s? structural geological data. LinkedIn article. [accessed 2 June, 2023]

Dunham, S., 2023, Parker Challenge Thoughts (the first bit). LinkedIn article. [accessed 2 June, 2023]

Hollenbeck, P.J. and Marc, 2015, Reducing geological risk. [accessed 2 June, 2023]

McManus, S., Rahman, A., Coombes, J., & Horta, A., 2021, Uncertainty assessment of spatial domain models in early stage mining projects – A review. Ore Geology Reviews, 133, 104098.

Reid, R., and Cowan, E. J., 2023. Towards quantifying uncertainties in geological models for mineral resource estimation through outside-in deposit-scale structural geological analysis. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences,70, 990-1009.

Varini, F., 2021, Falice Varini [online]. Available from: [Accessed 2 June, 2023]



Jun Cowan is a structural geological consultant, specialising in interpreting mineral deposits at the deposit-scale. He is the conceptual founder of Leapfrog software, which is now used by many international mining and mineral exploration companies (Leapfrog software resulted from private R&D collaboration undertaken by a joint venture between SRK Consulting Australasia, where Jun worked, and New Zealand company, ARANZ). Out of his home in Fremantle, Western Australia, he consults to mineral industry clients around the world and enjoys sharing his crazy ideas with his clients, and with online colleagues. This and other articles, mainly focused on geological subjects, are available from?LinkedIn.

So good and to the point! An? entertaining read with the art analogues as well!!?

Simon Meldrum

Exploration Geology Consultant (linked to Global Ore Discovery, Micromine user)

5 个月

Absolutely Jun.. I could show you more than a few deposits where my geologically driven models contrast with the leapfrog (bubble) models that are often used by companies for resource estimations. It goes without saying that (my) geological models are typically ignored in favour of the simplistic geostatistical products. It also goes without saying that geologically driven deposit models take allot of time to generate, require detailed logging and are therefore costly. But as you note the cost is worth it if a ticking time bomb is to be recognized and avoided.

Mohammed Alzahrani

Interested in research, monitoring, and investigation of everything related to the Earth, the Earth’s atmosphere, and the links with the universe, the hourglass

10 个月



What a wonderful article, thank you. I will share it as often as I can. I have seen first hand many of the problems you identified in your article. As a dinosaur who started doing resource estimates from hand drawn x-sections I really appreciate your thoughtful explanations on the pitfalls of implicit modeling


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