How to Decrease Sugar Cravings in 3 Days
Dr. Arianne Missimer
Founder/CEO of The Movement Paradigm | Author | IFM Functional Medicine Practitioner | Doctor of Physical Therapy | Registered Dietitian
Many of us struggle with those darn sugar cravings. I am sure you can relate. Some people suffer with a so-called sugar addiction all year long.
We know that sugar cravings cause a dopamine response as well as other neuro chemicals that ultimately creates a biochemical and neuro chemical response in the body. The addiction of sugar can cause a similar response in the brain as in drugs, alcohol or cigarettes. However, there’s a little bit more to sugar cravings than just that.
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Sugar Cravings and Gut Bacteria
Sugar cravings also come from our gut bacteria! Our gut bacteria is actually communicating to us that they want something. They have a mind of their own! Well, our gut is, in fact, our second brain. We have a trillion bacteria in our gut and there are different types that actually love different nutrients. Some love carbs, some fiber, and some love fats, for example. When we are not feeding those bacteria what they want, then they get really pissed off and can make us feel like crap. Therefore, it is really important to have a balance of beneficial bacteria in our gut. And, we need a lot of diversity. That’s why it’s so important to have a very well-balanced diet with variety of whole nutrient-dense foods. This helps to create the optimal microbiome for health. Remember… 70 percent of our immune system is in our gut. The bacteria in our gut helps us to maintain a healthy digestive tract, metabolize, digest and absorb nutrients. Our internal gut flora can really help to maximize our immune health, when we treat it well, that is.
What can you do about cravings?
So, you may be asking, what can I do when I have these sugar cravings? In two to four days, you can shift your gut bacteria. If you can commit to three days altering your microbiome, then you can start to begin to feel much better and likely not have the same cravings that you once did.
First, it is important to rule out a yeast overgrowth, especially if you are having significant sugar or carbohydrate cravings on a regular basis. This can be done through certain bloodwork, questionnaires, and of course a detailed evaluation of clinical presentation and symptoms.
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