How to decrease no-show rates for sales calls and demos
Tired of getting stood up for demos or sales meetings? Perhaps you need to take a strategic look at the communication sent PRIOR to the meeting.
Or better yet, take advantage of this new feature in HubSpot that allows to you customize that communication (and automate it!).
Ali Schwanke dives into this simple hack and how to put it to work for your company in this video:
Watch the video for the how-to, but here's some additional context from Ali specifically as to why she recommends this feature as a part of your overall sales and CRM strategy:
As a business owner, there's nothing more frustrating than showing up to a meeting only to have a miscommunication about expectations or to have one of the parties on the call not remember or get notified of our time together.
By customizing the meeting reminders right in HubSpot you can decrease the no-show rate; plus, if you use this with a really good strategy of how you use meeting links to segment meeting types, it becomes a really powerful weapon. This is often one of the first things we help identify with clients as well.
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