How (not?) to be decision mechanic:
Nandhini A.
I help businesses improve their margins by applying ML/AI/statistics/math to automate their tasks, and solve problems higher up in the valuechain.
This is a re-post I made on wordpress [here](
* -- This was inspired by the types of data scientist post [this]( but I've always thought of myself as a [generalist](
### To do:
* -- Follow the [5W-1H](
* -- Ask about the if-else decision-action tree the decision maker(s) with most
"skin-in-the-game" will have to use.*
* -- Proposing any potential/possible alternatives to the decision-action tree above is the
job of an analyst, if you're playing that role make it clear, it is a role-playing you're
doing rather than primary responsiblity tied to your performance evaluations.
* -- When? well, leave it completely to the Decision Maker and suggestions from the
statisticians and data scientists(based on forecasting models perhaps??) Try not to play
too many roles, you're likely to make more mistakes that way.
* -- Where? This is something you can try your hand, but i highly recommend testing the
waters well, ideally, this would be decided, by a combination of data visualization
experts/analysts + decision maker + statisticians.
* -- How? Leave this completely to the Data Scientists and S/W Architects and others with
stake in the outcomes.
* -- Why?? Now this is your complete responsibility, Make sure you don't make any mistakes
on this area. The biggest advice I can give on avoiding mistakes on this is that don't
take your eyes of the [0th and 1st virtues of rationality](
Make you balance both your curiousity and focus, The rest of the virtues are important
too, but personally I find mistakes originating from failure to focus on balancing 0th and 1st.
That's all folks, Hope you've a good set of adventures.
* -- Some of them may not like to think about this before or commit to a decision tree, you'll have
to ask, but might have to settle for a "gut instinct" answers for a few scenarios you can imagine.