How to decide between two good candidates?
What a result. You’ve been through the recruitment process, and you’ve not only found one stand out candidate but two. Sounds like a great situation to be in, but how do you decide between two good candidates?
Both have extensive industry experience, are well qualified and would fit into the team well. Recruitment can be expensive, and you don't want to regret your decision in a few months’ and be back at square one. It’s a difficult decision, so what do you do?
You need to think about other factors that will give you a clearer picture of what your candidates are like, for example, their skills, fit and any administration issues that could arise or be a challenge later on in the process.
Here are some things to consider before you make your final decision:
Don’t always go with the obvious candidate
Now that you’ve scratched the surface of what your potential clients can potentially bring to your team, it’s time to look beyond the typical signposts in the recruitment process.
It’s time to dig a little deeper and start to establish if either of your candidates has a strength of personality trait that could benefit your company in a positive way that you hadn’t expected. What added value can they bring to you and your company that will set you apart from your competitors?
What are they like outside of the recruitment process?
Take a look at their social channels and online presence, perhaps contact people who’ve previously worked with them. It’s a small world, and you’ll be surprised how often people cross paths.
Obviously don’t contact their current employer, but perhaps look at previous ones.
Set a timed test
Testing should be an integral part of your recruitment strategy, but if you’re struggling to choose between two candidates, now is the time to let the results guide you. Having the candidates complete a project that mirrors one of the responsibilities that they’ll encounter on the job is not uncommon and can help you make a tough decision a little easier.
Additional testing, such as psychometric assessing, can give you a better idea about their personality and cultural fit. Consisting of numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning or situation judgements - you need to establish what you’re looking for before carrying them out. Are you looking for someone who works well independently or a team player? Someone cautious or gung ho in their approach to work? Having these details before your candidates commence the test will make analysing them much more straightforward.
The beer test
This one sounds a bit silly, but thinking about which of the two would you rather have a beer with after work will allow you to view each of them in a different light.
It will give you an excellent indication of what they’re going to be like to work with. We spend nearly a quarter of our lifetimes at work, and it’s essential that we enjoy the company of our team members and can work together effectively. You could even include what some companies call “social interviews” into your recruitment process. This is where you take your candidates out for happy hour with some of the team to let them socialise. If you think this would fit with the culture at your place of work, it could be an excellent way to differentiate between two candidates.
Switching to a more informal setting or spending a morning in your office will give a better indication of how your candidate will fit in and conduct themselves. Your team is then better equipped to help you with the decision process.
Ask your team
Your new starter will be part of a wider team and will need to fit in. Ask the opinions of your team members; having multiple opinions will help you make the best choice. Make sure that candidates meet with all other key decision-makers in your company.
Go with your gut
In reality, there's no perfect candidate. However meticulous your recruitment process is, you will never really know if you've made the right decision until your chosen candidate has started the role. Trust your instincts and have faith in your ability to choose between two candidates wisely using your experienced eye.
Don’t write off one candidate completely
You are going to have to make a decision, but that doesn't mean that it's goodbye forever. Is there another role that's better suited to one of your candidates in your company that may need filling?
Keep in touch and add them to your pool of potential talent - you never know when a new position will become vacant, and you're back on the hunt for great candidates.
It's tough. But remember whichever candidate you choose you'll end up with a great new employee.
Heat’s hot tips for deciding between two good candidates
Remember it’s a two-way street
Would both candidates want to take the role if you offered it to them? A lot goes into play before people decide to accept a job offer, and you need to think about what it would take to attract each of them.
Each candidate will have specific needs and expectations about the role depending on their level of expertise and what they've experienced previously at other workplaces. Will you be able to fulfil these requirements and attract your first choice?
Ensure you have asked the candidate their thoughts on the role, salary package, notice periods etc. You may end up being in a position where one candidate is more likely to accept an offer than the other.
Consider what you would like to see for the future of your team?
Hopefully, the candidate you decide on will remain with your company for the foreseeable future, so it's a good idea to look at your organisation's plans.
For example, if your team is going to expand rapidly, will this candidate perform well in a fast-paced environment. If you're going to expand internationally, does either of your candidates have a second language that could be beneficial?
And lastly, ask them
Ask each candidate why you should choose them - this is your opportunity to get a clear understanding of their motivations.
A great candidate should be able to ‘sell’ themselves and tell you what skills they feel they would bring to the role.
Equally, if you are really stuck our Heat Recruitment Consultants are on hand to assist