Britt Bravo
Coach & Copywriter for Creatives, Changemakers & Mission-Driven Organizations
If you’re reading this, you’re probably in transition and trying to decide between 2 career paths (or more). When you need to decide between multiple career paths
People can feel stuck when faced with 2 career paths because:
1. They believe they can think their way to choosing the “right” answer
2. They hesitate to choose because they don’t want to make the “wrong” decision, or give up a path.
For this kind of challenge, you can’t think your way to a solution. You have to experience it. When you try out each path in small ways, you’ll figure out if you want to hold onto all of them (hint: you’ll soon discover that is exhausting), or if you’re OK with letting one or more go.
Several years ago, a client was let go unexpectedly from her position as a graphic designer at a well-known company. When we started to work together, she actually had 5 paths she wanted to explore (I’ve changed details to protect her privacy):
Path 1: Be a graphic designer on staff at a company.
Path 2: Open an art store / studio where she’d host workshops.
Path 3: Join a boutique graphic design firm.
Path 4: Be an art therapist.
Path 5: Get a job as a graphic designer on staff at a magazine.
Because her layoff was a surprise, she hadn’t explored any of these ideas before and was under pressure financially to get back to work as soon as possible. Her first homework assignment was to take a small action towards each path:
Path 1: Talk with a friend who works for a big company that might have a job opening
Path 2: Brainstorm store / studio co-owner ideas.
Path 3: Email a colleague who owns a boutique agency.
Path 4: Go to an art therapy certification program’s virtual open house.
Path 5: Email a colleague who works at a magazine.
By the 2nd session, she had eliminated Path 4 and by the 4th session she had transformed her 5 paths into 2:
Path 1: Be a freelance graphic designer
Path 2: Be a staff graphic designer working as part of a team at a company.
By our 5th session, she had received a job offer to be a graphic designer on staff at a company and by our 6th session (after 12 weeks), she had accepted the position — where she still works today.
Taking small steps towards each path that interests you won’t always lead to such quick results — but it might. Several factors helped this client find her new path in three months.
? Was very motivated because of financial family demands
? Took multiple small steps towards her possible paths each week.
? Did temporary contract graphic design work to relieve some of the financial stress so she would feel less rushed to make a decision.
? Made a concerted effort to balance her dogged pursuit of a new path with resting and doing things she enjoyed, which gave her more resilience during rough patches.
? Was already established in her field (rather than trying to break into a whole new line of work).
? Had support and accountability
If you feel overwhelmed trying to decide between 2 career paths (or more), take consistent small actions to explore those paths. The fog will lift and your next path will become clear.
Photo by Jens Lelie on Unsplash
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