How to deal with rejection after a job interview.

How to deal with rejection after a job interview.

Rejection is never an easy thing to deal with in any aspect of life, being rejected following a job interview is no different. A job interview is an assessment of you as a person and of your professional skills . You feel exposed. Being told that you are not the right fit on one or both personal and professional fronts is not easy to take, especially if it’s a job you want. 

Here are some thoughts on what to do in these circumstances:

In most cases you are not going to be able to change the final outcome so don’t fight it. It may be a company you want to join in the future and you still want to exit the process having left a strong impression and in a dignified way. 

Not being offered the job doesn’t necessarily mean that you weren’t a good candidate so don’t assume the worst.

Get feedback. Always ask for constructive feedback to help you understand why you were not successful and to uncover anything which may be able to help you in future interview situations. Treat every interview as a learning and development exercise and as training for further interviews and stressful situations.

If you don’t manage to get feedback, don’t keep pushing for it. Some companies have a policy where they won’t ever provide feedback so don’t waste negative energy chasing, just move on. 

Analyse but don’t over analyse.

Use the constructive feedback you gained to work out how you can improve your interview technique, often it’s about practice. Practice in the same way you used to practice before an exam, by going through scenarios and old exam papers in advance of the real thing. Knowing where you went wrong helps you become better and stronger. Over analysis will however not be good for your mental health. 

Do still thank your interviewers for their time and their interest in you but don’t expect to enter into further extended dialogue. You want to be polite and leave them with a favourable impression even if you didn’t get the job. You may want to apply again in the future or they may come back to you if another role opens up. In thanking the interviewers let them know if the experience was positive and you would be open to future opportunities if the time were ever right. 

Don’t assume that simply because you didn’t get the job you were not good enough. You might have just been pipped to the post by someone who performed better on the day, or who had additional skills that someone at your level could not have been expected to have. The person who got the job may already have had a connection to the company. It might not be about you, but more about the circumstances or the person who did get the job. 

Don’t take it too personally. Easier said than done I know, but the reality is life is hard, jobs are very competitive and there can be only one winner. Remember we all get knocked back and you’re not alone. I’m sure that every CEO in a high profile job has faced rejection in a professional capacity at some point. 

Focus on a strategy for what’s next. Work out a plan and work towards your goals. Be realistic on timing. You may have to undertake further study or build on your experience, and it may not happen overnight. 

Work out where you are currently positioned and where you need to be to get the job you want. 

Be realistic about your goals, what you can achieve and in what time frame so you are not setting yourself up for failure or disappointment. It doesn’t mean you can’t aim high or pursue your dream career. I wanted to be an airline pilot but my poor eyesight meant it was never realistic. I had to move on and stop banging that drum. 

Make the most of your talents, skills, assets, use what you have, what you can do, where you can get to and be the best at what you can do. Be the most positive you can be. 

Finally don’t be afraid to ask for advice and help. Do rely on friends and family for support and advice and seek advice from peers and mentors. Professional advisors can also assist you to realise your goals if you need them

Jonathan Walmsley | Principal | Marsden Legal Search & Recruitment

Level 4 | 503 Kent Street | Sydney | NSW | 2000 Australia 

Tel: +61 2 8014 9050 

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