How to Deal with a Recruiter Who's Ghosted You
Online Jobs Agency
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Recruiter ghosting is a real problem. Not only does it hurt your chances at landing the job you want, but it can also make you feel like you are being ignored and disrespected by an entire industry. If you're looking for a new job, there might be times when a recruiter ghosts you—and that's okay! In this article, we will discuss what to do when it happens early in the hiring process and late in the hiring process.
When You're in the Middle of the Hiring Process
What to do when you’re in the middle of the hiring process.
This can be a stressful time for both parties. The recruiter may have been very excited about your candidacy, but then something happened along the way and they stopped responding.
When You're Early in the Hiring Process
When the Hiring Process Is Over
If you’re still wondering what the recruiter thinks of you, ask. It might feel awkward or like you’re putting them on the spot, but they might be willing to give you some feedback as a courtesy. Do your best to keep it brief and positive—you don’t want to sound like a whiner or someone who can’t take rejection.
If there were any specific problems with your interview process, such as scheduling conflicts or technical issues with the video call, let them know so they can fix them for future candidates. This will help ensure that their other candidates have a smooth experience as well!
You should also get feedback from the hiring manager about why he or she decided not to move forward with hiring someone new at this time. If there are any ways in which he/she thinks that he/she could improve his/her communication skills (which may have lead him/her not giving feedback after each stage), then make sure that he/she knows how much this applicant appreciated it when they did receive feedback!
It's important to deal with recruiter ghosting
It's important to deal with recruiter ghosting, no matter what stage in the process you are. Whether it's a technical interview or an offer letter, the first step is to reach out and make sure your recruiter hasn't just forgotten about you. You don't want to be left hanging on when they finally have time for some communication again—and neither do they!
If you haven't heard from a recruiter after reaching out and following up several times, there are a few steps that will help ensure that recruiters don't continue to ignore your messages:
Hopefully, this post has helped you deal with a recruiter who's ghosted you. There's no reason to let recruiters walk all over you and take advantage of your time. You have every right to be upset when they don't follow through on their promises, but if you keep in mind the best ways to handle these situations, then they won’t get the best of you!