How to Deal With Premature Ejaculation in a Relationship

How to Deal With Premature Ejaculation in a Relationship

The premature ejaculation topic reminds me of those awkward experiences from my early sexual life—looking back, they didn't have to be awkward at all.??

They all involved a guy climaxing sooner than he intended and feeling so embarrassed that the whole sexual encounter would end abruptly.

In one unforgettable instance, in a fit of embarrassment, my partner made a hasty retreat from the room, never to return, all because he had reached the grand finale a tad too soon.

And naturally, a few seemed completely unfazed by it all, displaying zero concern for my satisfaction.

As I reflect upon these fellows, I wish I could go back in time and reassure them and myself that the show doesn't have to end just because the main act, well, reaches its climax. And this is precisely where most people miss the mark.

So, let's address this issue: how PE affects a relationship and how to deal with it.

Premature Ejaculation Explained Briefly

Premature ejaculation is a real-life condition that poses quite a challenge when it comes to maintaining any sexual activity without reaching the finish line prematurely (ejaculating before or directly after penetration)

It's a bit of a buzzkill, especially when you and your partner are eager to keep having sex for a while.

Typically, the cutoff for PE is around 1-2 minutes, while an average duration of sexual activity before ejaculation lands somewhere between 3-5 minutes or longer.

PE is a relatively common occurrence. A 2021 study reveals that approximately 20-30% of sexually active men find themselves tangled in the clutches of PE.

It's difficult to know the exact number of individuals struggling with PE. That's because the correlation between ejaculation time and sexual satisfaction tends to be quite subjective, varying from person to person and their respective partner's preferences.

How Does Premature Ejaculation Affect a Relationship?

Premature ejaculation (PE) can cast a dark cloud over your sex life and even your relationship.

How Women Are Affected by Their Partners' PE

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, a staggering 79 percent of women confessed to experiencing a decline in their sex drive and an overall sense of sexual dissatisfaction when in the company of a partner suffering from PE.

Interestingly, the length of the sexual encounter wasn't the primary concern for these women. Forty-eight percent of women revealed that the real issue lay in their partners' lack of attention to their needs.

You see, most men require a few minutes to recharge before they can rise to the occasion again after climaxing.

However, instead of utilizing that precious downtime to engage in tender gestures like kissing and caressing, they often seize the opportunity to catch some shut-eye.

Once they're back in the game, they focus on boosting their performance or extending the duration while neglecting their partner's satisfaction. Oh boy, talk of misplaced priorities.

Forty percent of the participants revealed that they experienced higher satisfaction as a couple when the man in question didn't struggle with PE.

Furthermore, approximately 20 percent of women regarded PE as a significant concern within a relationship.

Interestingly, women who deemed longer-lasting sexual encounters crucial were more prone to part ways with their partners due to sexual disorders.

Men's Predicaments in Relationships Caused by Premature Ejaculation

Let's not forget about the men grappling with PE in relationships. They, too, face their fair share of predicaments.

You see, there's the frustration and disappointment that comes with being unable to satisfy your partner as you desire. This takes away men's confidence leaving them feeling inadequate in the bedroom.

Moreover, men with PE often experience a sense of guilt and self-criticism, blaming themselves for not lasting longer or meeting their partner's expectations. This internal struggle can affect their self-esteem and create a barrier to open communication about their concerns.

In addition, the pressure to perform and the fear of future sexual encounters can create anxiety and stress, further exacerbating the issue. It becomes a vicious cycle where anxiety fuels PE, and PE in turn amplifies anxiety.

How Best Can You Deal With Premature Ejaculation in Your Relationship?

Now, if your partner has a knack for tapping out sooner than you'd prefer, it's essential to tread carefully when raising the topic. Men can be rather sensitive regarding their sexual performance (aren't we all?!).

So, when addressing the matter, sex expert Debby Herbenick, author of "Sex Made Easy," advises taking a gentle approach. It's all about finding the right words and creating a safe space for open and honest communication about the topic at hand.

How do you go about it?

Talk About It Directly

Let's dive straight into the heart of the matter: talking about the issue directly with your partner is key. Now, it's natural to resist acknowledging the situation, driven by good intentions initially.

Perhaps you fear creating tension or unintentionally offending them. You might even believe you can single-handedly resolve the matter without any outside help.

But here's the truth: engaging in open and direct conversation is vital to positive change. In fact, you may even experience a sense of relief once you've laid it all out on the table.

However, timing is of the essence. It's best to avoid initiating this discussion right before, during, or immediately after sex. Aim for a neutral and calm setting.

For instance, you can begin the conversation by expressing your love and trust, followed by a gentle acknowledgment that there's something on your mind that you'd like to discuss.

Seek their consent by asking if it's a good time to chat. You set the stage for a constructive and understanding dialogue by approaching the topic with care and consideration.

Listening to Each Other

You must understand that intimacy extends far beyond the bedroom. Emotional intimacy thrives on trust and a sense of safety, particularly during vulnerable moments. It's crucial for partners to feel that they can rely on each other.

To foster emotional intimacy, listening to one another actively is essential. Here's what genuine listening entails:

  • Maintaining a genuine curiosity and openness to your partner's words
  • Minimizing distractions and giving your undivided attention during conversations
  • Listening to understand truly, rather than listening to respond
  • Asking clarifying questions when something isn't clear or needs further explanation

Remember, it's essential to respect your partner's boundaries. Don't push them into an uncomfortable or unsafe conversation if they're not ready to discuss a certain topic.

Instead, reassure them of your unwavering love and support, letting them know that you're there for them whenever they're ready to open up.

Don't Take it Personally

It's all too common for individuals to blame themselves for their sexual dysfunction, and as a result, partners may also assume they're at fault, believing they're somehow responsible for the issue.

However, the truth is far from these self-blaming assumptions. Various factors can influence premature ejaculation. In some cases, it's classified as a lifelong condition, meaning it has occurred in all or most sexual encounters.

Interestingly, premature ejaculation often coincides with other medical issues, such as erectile dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, and infections in the prostate or urethra. Don't forget that anxiety goes hand-in-hand with this condition.

So, premature ejaculation is not solely a result of personal shortcomings or inadequacies. It's a complex interplay of medical, psychological, and emotional factors.

By understanding this, you can approach the situation with empathy and compassion, focusing on support and seeking appropriate professional guidance.

Don't Joke About The Situation

Here's a gentle reminder: when discussing your sex life and sensitive matters like premature ejaculation, it's best to avoid making jokes.

While humor can often serve as a coping mechanism in uncomfortable situations, this is a time to exhibit maturity and openness.

Sure, the desire to lighten the mood is natural. However, cracking jokes or responding with sarcasm may unintentionally convey your unwillingness to take the matter seriously.

Maintaining a serious and respectful tone creates a safe space for open and honest conversation. This way, both partners feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and concerns without fear of trivialization or judgment.

Embark on the Path of Treatment Together

Premature ejaculation can be effectively addressed through various approaches, including sprays, wipes, therapy, medication, and lifestyle adjustments.

During this journey, you must provide unwavering support to your partner. Treating premature ejaculation should be seen as a shared challenge rather than a blame game. Embracing the "we-issue" mentality strengthens the bond between you and motivates you to seek solutions collaboratively.

Be open-minded and receptive to new techniques or protocols your partner may want to explore. Avoid assuming that you have all the answers, and practice patience along the way. Remember, change takes time, but recovery is attainable with dedication and a joint commitment to growth.


There's no reason to be embarrassed about a little premature ejaculation. And hey, if you're willing to keep the momentum going and lend a helping hand (or any other body part) to ensure your partner's orgasmic delight, the whole situation can turn into a satisfying adventure.?

