How to Deal with Negative Outcomes not only as Pilot.
You can extrapolate this to different jobs in different areas and activities. All of my ideas can be summed up in a single formulation:
[be prepared-because you have been trained to do that] to deal with Negative Outcomes and consequently with the erosion of them on your behaviour and on your capacity to perform your duties,in case of not prepared/trained to deal and solve with them.Don't run away out of them,at all!They will find you anytime! It does works well if you have been thinking about it,which mean you have to be conscious to know on how you shall deal and perform that process or another ones mapping out your own paths. To be able to do that it is important to have a plan with 3 or more significant options that worth it! You must training it by trial and error a lot till you have zero errors.
Be persistent! You should/shall be able to compact your tasks,do not advance tasks before completing them on the sequence. You must do that mentally and physically followed by previous study and analyse before perform them. I’m often asked what outcomes lessons I’ve learned.
Pilot's activity is complex like life is. We always rely on a set of rules,procedures which allow us to achieve our goals and help guide decision-making,granted to fly safe. They are the foundation when challenges arise.We can build scenarios in order to be sure and confident that it will be works. You shall train that relevant processes everyday in your daily practices throughout all fases of your mission-we have always 6,taxi in/take-off/climb/descend/land/taxi out. Proceeded by all that phases we have flight preparation,and consequently the briefing before mission and the debriefing about that one. If you never think about the failures of your activity and consequences,you cannot training them,so you can't be able to comply with your duties.
That's why we have been training every day till our retirement.
Believe it!
Be safe!Simone de Beauvoir said "Change your life today.Don't gamble on the future,act now,without delay."Time,turn,twist,throttle/thrust,talk and think...if you are a pilot you know about it(this is one memory item to compact our actions). Above all,this will guide you to turn with resolve,constancy,commitment,and hope toward to solve problems. "Come to think of it,pilots that make mistakes and recover from it,are probably better pilots than a pilot that never made a mistake”Bill Mason was done flying at Rankin in 1945. Finally,on how to find yourself and the true value of Training is what matter.
Texto do Comandante : Sim?es da Costa
Senior examiner , IRE, FIE,IRI