How to deal with Lockdown Anxiety
Aleem Abdullah, SHRM-CP, MBA-HRM, MSc
Manager Human Resources at YKK Pakistan (Private) Limited.
The recent epidemic of COVID19 has vastly effected our lives, unfortunately, to date, no vaccine has been found viable to treat it. As far as the people related to jobs are concerned, there are two categories, one which is doing a critical job and has to go to the workplace at any cost, the second category is that who is working from home. Both categories are facing a certain type of stress due to this situation. Let's talk about these categories.
1) People at Critical Jobs
Although when we talk about a critical job in this Pandemic, one must think of Medical Staff and Law Enforcement Agencies who are working at the frontlines, there are certain other jobs which are essential for example shipment companies, power sector, FMCGs, etc. People working in this category often feel distressed due to the increasing number of infected people, as they have to keep these industries running so they can't sit at their homes but when they go to their homes they have a feeling that what if they are infected and the virus may spread to their dear ones.
The aforementioned people should understand that this virus is critical but there are a lot of viral infections much worse than that. However, there is no vaccine, a lot of people have not only recovered, but it is also easy to keep yourself safe from it by maintaining personal hygiene. Make a plan for daily exercise/workout at home as it will help you to boost your immune system.
2) People Working from Home
These people often feel insecure, they are safe at their homes but they feel that at any time they can be laid off due to economic conditions. Some find it hard to work from home as they don't get the feeling of an office environment.
For the people working from home, job insecurity is a prevailing threat in such conditions faced globally, what we can do is to bring innovations, this includes revising certain policies which have become obsolete and were needed to be revised but you were not getting enough time to do so due to workload, you can also draft policies for working from home, draft SOPs defining the steps involved in online meetings. Furthermore, you are getting an excellent time to groom your competencies, there are a lot of online learning programs are available which will surely help you in this context, for example, you can learn a lot at You can also start working as a freelancer, for that is a very good website.
Stay safe everyone!