How to Deal With Intimacy Betrayal
In this video, marriage and relationship expert Todd Creager discusses Intimacy Betrayal Trauma, specifically how to process it and heal yourself.
No matter if you choose to stay in the relationship or leave both parties need to process and heal themselves.
Todd covers the keys to healing from intimacy betrayal trauma:?
?The key to processing, why both the betrayed and betrayer need to process.
?What your partner can do to help you process if you working on your relationship.
?What is interpersonal processing and how does it help you with the healing process.
?What is internal processing and how does it help you to heal.
No matter the outcome of your relationship., both parties need to process what happened in order to heal themselves and move on successfully from intimacy betrayal.
Need Help Healing Yourself From Intimacy Betrayal Trauma?
Todd Creager created this guide based on 30+ years and a 90% success rate working with couples dealing with infidelity…
Todd Creager?is an experienced relationship therapist, specializing in marriage, sex and couples counseling. From increasing intimacy to overcoming infidelity, Todd has helped countless couples overcome the issues that they face. Author of the?Long Hot Marriage, and?Love, Sex and Karaoke: 52 Ways to Ignite your Love Life, Todd spends much of his time helping long-term partners create passionate and thriving relationships. He provides unique and powerful insights that lead to breakthroughs that result in his clients getting closer to each other and getting the love they want.
Get a free copy of his?7 Keys to a Phenomenal Relationship?and start turning up the heat in your relationship today.