How To Deal With Information Overload | 4 TIPS

So last week my wife tells me she wants to talk...

I don't know what it is but whenever a woman says that to me

I start bracing myself, either I've messed up and I'm in deep (you know what!) Or she has bad news to tell me... ??

So anyway we're in the kitchen and she says, Sooo

I wanted to ask your opinion on something,

immediately I feel a sense of relief!... ??

1. I'm not in trouble

2. It's not bad news...

3. She's didn't drop the "P" word

(Scroll to the P.S. to see what that is)...

So I said, "Ok Babe so what do you want my opinion on?"

(Most men get nervous about this because sometimes with women there is no RIGHT answer)

But seeing as I grew up with the only man in the house outnumbered by women 2:1I've learned how to handle that one LIKE A BOSS! ??

She wanted to know my opinion based on some software solutions for her business,

It can be overwhelming not knowing which to pick!?!.. Especially with

so many opposing reviews about which one is best...

What ends up happening is instead of making a decision

you end up doing more research!...

In business time is money, you want to make progress, ??

rather than strive for the perfect choice

The truth is these softwares all essentially do the

same CORE things with a few minor differences

Just pick one!

The tools are only as good as the person using them anyway!

Plus you won't know if it's the wrong decision until you make the decision

So if you are overwhelmed with options and can't decide which one is best:

This video will give you 4 tips on How To Deal With Information Overload! And... start making progress in whatever your endeavors are fast...

I had fun on this one, slightly more entertaining than usual

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it for you!

Seeing as my wife asked me my opinion, now I'd

like to ask you give me yours on the video in the comments section:



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P.S. 'P' Word = PREGNANT

(Give me a Thumbs up on the video if you guessed the P-Word before looking)


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