How to deal with change
Natasja King
Holistic Wellness Therapist | Reiki Master Teacher & Practitioner | Creator of The Happiness Method | EFT (Tapping) Practitioner
Dealing with change is undoubtedly the most stressful thing for humans to have to endure. No, allow me to rephrase that. Stress isn’t caused by change, change becomes stressful when we don’t adapt. When we don’t roll with the punches. And it really can feel like a punch in the gut. There are times when life throws you a barrage of many small, new - or even just slightly different - situations, people, rules, restrictions and routines; for example, moving house or changing jobs. There’s the sucker punch of change that you don’t even see coming. The one that leads to an avalanche of sudden difficult decisions; think of divorce or losing a loved one. And then sometimes life tries to knock you out entirely with a combination of both: a global pandemic that changes absolutely everything. For everyone. Forever.
Yet, nothing in life is constant. Change is inevitable. Whether you roll with it or fight against it, it’s going to happen. When you think about it, it’s not change itself that we don’t like. It’s the uncertainty, loss of control, unexpectedness and upset of the status quo that we have gotten so used to, that we don’t like. It’s completely normal to feel these emotions. The trick is to not sit with those emotions for too long. Feel it, acknowledge it and then move on. In other words: roll with the punches.
So what can we do to be okay with change? When you are irritated for having to wear a mask. Or tired from homeschooling and working. When you no longer have the precious alone-time twice a day to listen to music or read a book on the train. How do you get your head around all this newness when you can’t sleep because you wish things could return to how it was?
Here are a few suggestions:
Everyone is different
Remember that you are not the only one going through this shift in ways of working, shopping, travelling and socializing. Even if you are super adaptable and not at all fazed, others aren’t. Everyone deals with change differently and at their own pace, and we need to be mindful of these differences.
If dealing with change is about being adaptable, then it’s also about making the decisions required for adaptability. In 1987 Alan Row and Richard Mason identified four decision-making styles. Each style has the following characteristics:
- Analytical coping strategy - You see change as a challenging puzzle that can be solved as long as you have the time to gather information and draw conclusions. You will resist change if you are not given enough time to think it through.
- Conceptual coping strategy - You are interested in how change fits into the big picture. You want to be involved in defining what needs to change and why. You will resist change if you feel excluded from participating in the change process.
- Behavioural coping strategy - You want to know how everyone feels about the changes ahead. You work best when you know there is support for the change. If the change adversely affects someone close to you, you will perceive change as a crisis.
- Directive coping strategy - You want specifics on how the change will affect you and what your role will be during the process. If you know the rules of the change process and the desired outcome, you will act quickly. You resist change if the rules or procedures are not clearly defined.
Can you see yourself in any of these descriptions? What about when you think about how your boss typically makes decisions? Or your work bestie? Once you have a rough idea of what you and your closest colleague’s decision-making styles are, you will know how to reduce the anxiety around change.
Let’s use the example of having to return to the office post-lockdown:
Analyticals should give themselves plenty of time to consider and gather as much information as possible about the best train, cycle, or walking routes to get to the office. Behaviourals should stay in touch with colleagues to offer and receive, support for the first day back in the office. Directives and Conceptuals rely heavily on information, so seek out the information or make sure you provide it to them.
When the Conceptual lawyer can’t provide the Analytical secretary a floorplan showing exactly where the hand sanitizers will be located, because he is happy enough just knowing that there will be “some around the office”, that is going to lead to frustration and even fear on the secretary’s part.
If you are the person in charge of readying the office for the return, it is imperative that information is shared well in advance and that the information be as detailed as possible. Some people don’t need or want the details, but others take great comfort in knowing the details.
We’re in this together
It might seem impossible to focus on someone else’s needs when you yourself are struggling, but research has shown that once you can look outside yourself and take the time to be kind to someone else when they have to deal with change, you will have a more positive outlook. Brain imagine studies show that kind and compassionate feelings cause physical changes in the prefrontal cortex of the brain – the area associated with positive emotions. The area grows, just as a muscle would do when exercised, with repeated acts of kindness. As a result, it becomes easier to access the positive emotions area of the brain, which in turns makes it easier to have a positive outlook in general.
There’s no point denying it
It helps to accept that things have changed (again). No matter how tempting it is to pretend that everything is still the same, it really isn’t. It’s actually more stressful to deny reality than it is to say to yourself “Things have changed, and I’m okay with that.” Repeat this mantra as many times as you need to.
You are not powerless
Focus on what you can change. In the most basic of terms, that’s your breathing. If anxiety sets in at the mere thought of going back to the office, the Square Breathing technique will help you slow down your breath. Start by breathing out completely. Then take a deep breath to a count of 4, hold to a count of 4, breath out to a count of 4, then hold for a count of 4. Repeat.
On a practical level, think about what aspects of working from home and/or returning to the office, is within your control. If your office gives you a choice of office hours for the return, that’s control. If you work from home, you decide what to do with the time you would have spent on your commute. That’s control.
Take it easy
Pace yourself. Adapting to change can’t happen overnight, so don’t force yourself to get to grips with it all in one on go. Break it down into smaller, manageable parts. For example, first try to get used to wearing a mask on the bus. When you feel more comfortable with that, pat yourself on the back and work on accepting that you will have to queue on the sidewalk for your Pret sandwich. (On the other hand, you could take a packed lunch to work and regain a bit of control over how you spend your lunch break.) Take it one day at a time and be kind to yourself. Some days you may find you take everything in your stride, and other days it will feel like a battle. That’s okay too, as long as you try again tomorrow.
You’ve come this far
You’ve been through changes before, and you survived. You can do it again. And hey, any changes in your life post-COVID19 are going to feel like a walk in a park (while keeping an appropriately safe distance), in comparison.
*This article was written for and first appeared in the July 2020 newsletter of The Institute of Legal Secretaries & PAs.
Design & Quality Manager
4 年What a great article! Thanks Natasja. I will be resharing this!