How to Deal With a Bad Performance Review
A bad performance review can be a shock to your system. You might feel angry, hurt, or demotivated. But don’t let it ruin your career or your self-esteem. Here are some tips on how to handle a negative feedback and turn it into a positive learning experience.
1. Take time to process your feelings
Before you react to your performance review, take some time to calm down and process your emotions. Don’t argue with your manager, blame others, or make excuses. Instead, thank your manager for the feedback and ask for some time to reflect on it. This will show that you are professional and open to improvement.
2. Ask for feedback from other colleagues
Sometimes, a bad performance review can be a result of a misunderstanding or a mismatch of expectations. To get a more balanced perspective, ask for feedback from other colleagues who work with you closely. They might have a different opinion of your work or offer some insights that your manager missed. You can also compare your self-evaluation with your manager’s evaluation and identify any gaps or discrepancies.
3. Establish clear career goals
A bad performance review can be a wake-up call to reassess your career goals and align them with your manager’s expectations. Ask yourself what you want to achieve in your role and what skills you need to develop. Then, communicate your goals to your manager and ask for their support and guidance. Having a clear vision of your career path can help you focus on your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.
4. Maintain a growth mindset
A growth mindset is the belief that you can improve your abilities through effort and feedback. Instead of seeing a bad performance review as a failure or a threat, see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Adopt a positive attitude and embrace the challenges that come your way. Remember that everyone makes mistakes and that you can always bounce back from them.
5. Schedule a follow-up meeting
After you have reflected on your performance review and taken some actions to improve, schedule a follow-up meeting with your manager. This will show that you are proactive and committed to your development. During the meeting, discuss your progress, ask for feedback, and celebrate your achievements. You can also set new goals and expectations for the next review period.
6. Write down your response
Writing down your response to a bad performance review can help you organize your thoughts and emotions. It can also help you prepare for your follow-up meeting and document your achievements. You can use this template to write your response:
A bad performance review can be a tough pill to swallow, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. By following these tips, you can turn a negative feedback into a positive learning experience and boost your career growth. Remember that you are not defined by your performance review, but by how you respond to it.