How to Deal with Bad Grades?

How to Deal with Bad Grades?

The year 2021 is a good one when it comes to grades. Uk students' grades have experienced an all-time high this year, with 44.5% receiving A* or A.

But regardless of your track record, bad grades are always a possibility, even for the best of students. When you receive bad grades, it’s hard to stay positive as disappointment overpowers and lowers your confidence.

The good news? Bad grades aren’t indicative of your entire school career, and with a little bit of focus and instructional strategies, you can overcome bad grades easily!

We’ll run through some tips for dealing with bad grades as well as how the Studeo app uses unique learning and testing strategies to help you overcome bad grades, work differently, and focus your next steps on improving!

Step 1: Find Out What Went Wrong

To improve, you need to be aware of your weaknesses. Evaluate your grade and find out what went wrong. Was it a really bad exam result that you didn’t allocate enough study time for? Was it low participation marks resulting from poor attendance? Do you struggle to elaborate on answers adequately and present clear reasoning? Or perhaps it was a mix of deducted marks for certain maths concepts across many forms of evaluation.

If you can’t pinpoint the source of your bad grades, reach out to a teacher for guidance.

Step 2: Remind Yourself that Bad Grades Don’t Determine the Rest of Your School Year

Once you narrow down on what went wrong, take a deep breath and relax. Your bad grades don’t dictate the entire school year or your academic career. Remain calm even under the stress a bad grade brings. Why? Because you can’t change the result. All you can do is create a plan to work differently and improve next time.

Many students, even top students, experience bad grades once in a while. Don’t let this one instance bring you down, as your attitude will affect your future performance!

Step 3: Use Remote Learning to Study Efficiently and Kick Bad Grades to the Curb

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An app with affordable content could be the ultimate lifehack for bad grades. We at Studeo created a video-learning app with some of the best tutors in the UK. The goal is to provide accessible tutoring to all, regardless of socioeconomic status or familial income. The app aims to help students study efficiently from any location on their phone, with a unique methodology that includes: Instructional videos, Progress tracking, Flashcards, Spaced repetition and daily notifications, Q & As, Testing and practice, Accessible explanations of maths concepts.

Unlike many tutoring services, Studeo is:

  • Affordable
  • Jargon-free
  • Uniquely tailored to your needs

Studeo uses a unique instructional strategy to promote productivity amongst students who use the app. Using the Pomodoro timer, which offers students a 5-minute break for every 25 minutes worked, Studeo helps you stay on track and approach studying in a healthy manner. The app also embodies a spaced repetition technique to help you retain information and study more effectively.

Bad grades aren’t the end of the world, but the disappointment upon receiving them is understandable. We knows the ins and outs of educational methodology and the pain points of the education system. With easy-to-understand videos and tailored learning plans with diverse strategies, Studeo is a great, affordable solution to tackle bad grades and enhance your study sessions.


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