How To: Custom Event Tracking In GA4
In a recent post I spoke about Shopify's new 'out of the box' connection for Google Analytics 4 and how it supports a lot of the standard e-commerce tracking events like 'item_view' and 'purchase' (I'll link that video below in case you missed it). This new connection makes it super simply to migrate to GA4 without the need for setting up any custom data layers or the need for a complex setup at all.
Now, it's all great having the ability to setup tracking in a super quick and easy way. But what if you want to track custom events such as a Newsletter signup or any custom functionality on your site as well?
This was pretty much the first thing I was asked after my last video so I thought I'd do another video to cover it. Essentially; how you setup Google Tag Manager on top of the Shopify out of the box connection to capture all those custom bits in addition to Shopify's connection capturing the e-commerce events.
The video covers:
Also! as I mentioned above... here is the video from the other week showing how simple it now is to connect Shopify up to GA4 and the events it tracks, how to check it's all working after you've set it up correctly etc.
Hope this is helpful and if you've got any questions feel free to drop me a comment or a DM.