How to Cultivate Gratitude for A Happier Retirement
Perhaps the best kept secret of all time, “the root of happiness is gratitude”. This is so true as it’s impossible to feel grateful and unhappy at the same time.
It’s a little sad to realize as the majority of the population are so money focused. Enough is never enough as they struggle to “keep up with the Joneses”. It’s a recipe for unhappiness, especially for anyone on a fixed budget.
Further exacerbating matters is our daily diet of sensationalized news. We’re bombarded with negativity from every direction with the world seemly headed to hell in a hand basket. The net effect is we struggle to find joy in even the simplest of things.
To address this, the 7 proven ways to cultivate gratitude for a happier retirement provides strategies to rise above all this clutter. First, let’s look at some of the surprising benefits.
Benefits Of Gratitude
Especially in retirement, becoming more grateful for what you have, as opposed to what you don’t, has numerous benefits. Countless studies underscore positive effects on health, relationships and overall well-being.
Improved Health and Longevity
Research by?Positive Psychology, reveals the correlation of happiness with longer healthier lifespans. With the increased focus on healthy aging, this is good news for retirees.
One of the biggest factors is reduced stress which can lead to better sleep, lower blood pressure and an improved immune system. With less stress, you’re more relaxed and better able to appreciate everything around you.
Further to this,?Psychology Today?found thankfulness is an effective means of reducing anxiety and negative self-talk. The power of the mind shouldn’t be underestimated and a positive outlook promotes a happier healthy life.
Better Relationships
Who would have thought feeling more grateful would strengthen our relationships?
Actually, it makes perfect sense. After all, who doesn’t want to be around someone who’s kind, upbeat and genuine? Especially when you know they appreciate you. Yet, all too often...
***You can continue reading the full post at 7 Proven Ways to Cultivate Gratitude for A Happier Retirement (