How Creative Intelligence Predicts Ad Success

How Creative Intelligence Predicts Ad Success

In our very first edition of LinkedIn Newsletter, The Canvas, we did a quick overview of Creative Intelligence and how it combines marketers’ expertise with AI-powered data.?

In this second edition, we are diving a little deeper into how various creative intelligence platforms and methodologies can help predict Ad success. ?

But before we get into the nitty-gritty of creative intelligence and its ability to predict Ad success, let us get an understanding of Ad success and how it differs from campaign to campaign and organization to organization.?

Ad Success – What Makes an Ad Great??

While there are various metrics like impressions, reach, click-through rate, ROI, number of views, etc., to?track the performance of an Ad campaign, and various methodologies to identify its success, there is no cookie-cutter method that can be applied to every Ad campaign. And primarily because each?campaign is launched with a diverse set of Ad goals and target audience.?

Having concluded that, all the iconic and extremely successful Ad campaigns like Coke’s share a coke and Nike’s Just Do It have always appealed to consumers’ emotions. Additionally, what successful Ad campaigns and brands have in common is their ability to form a consumer-brand relationship that is sustainable in the long-term as compared to a short-lived viral campaign.?

As rightfully said by Leo Burnett, pioneer American advertising executive, ‘Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief.’?

While the methods to track and analyze the performance of an Ad campaign differ from campaign to campaign, there are several types of creative intelligence platforms and methodologies that define and predict the success of an Ad campaign. ?

In this edition of the LinkedIn newsletter, we have attempted to broadly categorize them into two buckets of methodologies with platforms as the sub-categories.?

Research-based Evaluation?

Research-based evaluation methodology encompasses the general process of conducting market research to assess the effectiveness of an ad creative which usually includes 4 key steps, namely:?

  1. Picking the ad concepts to test?
  2. Choosing the metrics to measure?
  3. Running a manual evaluation process?
  4. Analyzing the feedback to pick the right ad?

The preferred methods of conducting such?manual evaluations are focus groups, online surveys, web surveys, and as the technology and platforms evolve, automated surveys that are usually taken by curated audience panels. ?

The platforms are equipped with features that turn such qualitative data into quantitative and actionable insights allowing you to understand the effectiveness of your ad creatives.?

AI-based Evaluation?

It is general knowledge that manual surveys and focus groups are quite time-consuming and capital-intensive with higher margins of error making them a less desirable option against automation and AI-based platforms.?

AI-based platforms are further categorized into three buckets based on the data they utilize for evaluation and recommendation.?


According to a recent study by Nielsen, creative still is the king and remains an undisputed champion among various sales drivers.?

Nonetheless, perfecting an Ad creative is a complicated process since there are various moving variables like visuals, branding, copy, call-to-action, and overall messaging. This is where creative intelligence platforms that focus on the evaluation of Ad creatives and suggesting improvements can add significant value. Such platforms can?

  • Help create effective and unforgettable ads by providing real-time creative insights?
  • Evaluate the perception of your Ad creatives?
  • Quantify?qualitative metrics like memorability and attention?
  • Dissect and suggest the right music for higher impact?
  • Evaluate possible audience reactions and overall appeal of an Ad creative?

An AI-powered creative intelligence platform providing such actionable insights before the campaign goes live can be a game-changer for you. ?


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On the other side of Ad creative, there is performance. There are AI-powered creative intelligence platforms that measure the effectiveness of an Ad creative against performance metrics including but not limited to?

  • Traffic generated?
  • Social media engagement?
  • Click-through rate?
  • Cost per conversion?
  • Overall reach and impression?
  • Brand awareness, and more.?

Such platforms correlate creative attributes with the above-mentioned campaign performance data using advanced artificial intelligence technologies and provide you with an indispensable and repeatable format of a successful ad campaign.?

Branding & Compliance?

Apart from the effectiveness of Ad creative and the performance it generates, there are AI-powered creative intelligence platforms that simplify the branding and compliance aspects. They evaluate your ad creative against your branding guidelines so there is consistency in your messaging across campaigns and platforms.?

Additionally, they also evaluate your Ad creative against evolving regulations across industries. Regulations including, but not limited to, individual product disclaimers, usage, language, warning, terms and conditions, and more.?

The choice of the platform or methodology entirely depends on your ad goals, target audience, and the stage of the ad campaign that you are trying to streamline. ?

Subscribe to The Canvas for more insights into creativity, technology, platforms, and more contributing to the success of advertising campaigns.



