How About Creating Your Life The Way You Want It?

Today is Sunday and a very quiet day here in my dorm apartment with both roommates off to their respective families' places which is quite fine with me. It gives me some time to get my own mind together which is something that many people never take the time to do these days given all the negative news that engulfs us...but only if we allow it to.

You see when you have a life that is predicated on doing something larger with your life than worrying about all the garbage that pretends to be news... but is actually a bunch of opinions mostly from people who haven't a clue what they are speaking about not being directly involved in studying the subject at hand...we take our minds and put them into a place of fear... and that fear will stop you in your tracks if you allow it, how about you take a different approach and just forget about all that crap out there in the world at large and create a safe haven for yourself to create the world that you want to live in?

Echart Tolle speaks to this whole notion of releasing distractions while allowing one's self to be quiet inside. Deep breathing is always something that will calm the body and the soul, which is why I have my clients take a few deep breaths and hold them for a second or two be before exhaling before even beginning the hypnotic induction. This is because the state of being in hypnosis is that of being in a relaxed state.

Then one can ask one's self the next question that Echart asks us to ask ourselves, "Is there anything that is going to harm me now in this very moment?"

This is an important question because one recognizes that 99% of the time there is nothing in the immediate 'now' that is a harm to one's self.

Next, in this relaxed state, one can realize that one is calm and in one's own body, making thinking much easier to do.

I love to bring myself to creating my future the way I want it - and you know what? With this practice more and more opportunities come my way to allow just that to happen. Because as we have learned from previous posts - what we concentrate on finds its way into our lives - we just never know exactly how or by what means...and that is the most fun part of the whole process.

So, I invite you to drop the news and instead figure out what it is that you are desiring to do to make this world better for your having been here - because as Echart also states, this is truly what makes a well-lived life - one of fulfillment which is a much better goal to go for than one that is determined by how much money one can amass in one's lifetime. Because, after all, money is only as meaningful as the manner in which it is employed.

Learning: One need not be brought down by all the 'doomsday' news. Instead, focus on the fact that you are safe right 'in the moment' that you are, breathe deeply to get embodied... and then notice how relaxed you have become in just a few seconds' time. Move on to figuring out what you want to do to fulfill yourself by doing those activities that make the world better for having been here. It does indeed make for a much more fun and interesting life, that is for sure!

Note: Retreat Leaders: If you are a person who has been proven to run great group programs and is itching to get out in the world and run live in-person reatreats, join Bill Dennis, the owner of the Villa Serena Holistic Health Hotel and Retreat Center on Wednesday at 4 PM eastern to learn how to work with the hotel so you do not get financially burned by the hotel:


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