How To Create Your Fitness Sales Funnel Value Ladder
Andrew Wallis
Creator of the Fitness Marketing Growth Engine | Empowering Fitness Professionals to Achieve Consistent Growth through Proven Marketing Strategies
In the first edition of the newsletter, I spoke about the Secret Formula to growing a successful fitness business.
Now I want to dig a little deeper and focus on a key strategy for you to take in order that you can lead your enquiries from being a prospect through to becoming a paying client.?
The structure I recommend you build to achieve this is called a Value Ladder and this is one of the first things I get new clients to map out before they start charging head first into the creation of their sales funnel.
I generally find that the business owners who don’t have this mapped out, struggle with generating success in their business.
So, what is a Value Ladder?
In a nutshell, it is a list of your products and services mapped in ascending order of value and price.
Here is an example…
As people "ascend" your?value ladder, you will offer them more in value; however, the greater the value, the higher the price.
Note:?Value doesn't necessarily mean "more". You can also provide greater value by saving people time.
Your value ladder won’t necessarily have 4 tiers as the diagram above shows.
Yours might have 3 tiers, or it might have 5.
The key is by offering multiple value tiers at various price points gives you more opportunity to give your customers exactly?what they need.?
In an ideal world, every prospect you meet would jump straight into the top tier service you offer.?
But as we live in the real world, we know this isn’t what is going to happen, hence the reason for having a range of services at differing price-points so that you can match the budget the prospect has with the appropriate service you can offer them.
Here is an example of the possible Value Ladder Tiers for a Private Training Studio…
TIER 1: Assessment / Intro Session / Feeder Program (Free or Low Cost Offers)
- Price:?Free < $100
- Goals:?Qualify & Capture Leads
- Examples:?Free (or paid) Assessment, Mobility Guide, Free Intro Group Session, Fitness Jump Start Package
The goal at this stage is to grow your list and get people to raise their hands to indicate interest in the services you offer.
Some professionals don’t like to give things away for free as they see it devalues their service.
Others prefer to get the prospect through the door in order that they may build a relationship with them.?
After all, people do business with those they know, like and trust.
You will no doubt generate less prospects if you charge for the Assessment or Intro Session, but they will be better qualified.
Ultimately, there is no wrong or right way here, I’ll leave it to you to decide which you choose.
With an intro session, you aren’t promising any results, you are just letting the person test-drive your service.?
Remember, prospects are looking for a solution to a particular problem they have. It is your job to show them that you have the solution.?
If you are clearly able to explain WHY they have this problem and then you show them HOW they are going to get the results they want, and you can deliver, then you have a much better chance to have them come on-board as a client.
TIER 2: Group Training / Seminars / Workshops
- Price:?$147 < $297
- Goals:?Increase Profits & Build Trust
- Examples:?Boot Camp, HIIT Small Group Training, 1 day workshops
The low-mid range services you offer generate profit and simultaneously build trust with your new clients as they receive more value from you and your business.
My definition of Group Training is where you are working with 5 to 15 people in a group.
In most cases, the size of your group will depend upon the size of your facility. In my experience, you can lose engagement and personal interaction with each member in groups larger than this.?
With this kind of model, you can reach more people and give incredible value to the members of the group.
It also allows you to work with more members, is a good leverage of your and if you get your margins right, it can bring in more income.?
The best hours I have found for group training are early mornings before work: -5:30am and/or 6:30am; stay at home moms - 9:00am (or 9.30am) and after work - 5:30pm and/or 6:30pm.?
TIER 3: Semi-Private Training
- Price:?$347 < $597
- Goals:?Increase Profits &?Recurring
- Examples:?Small Group Training, Buddy Programs?
These are generally mid-range services you offer that generate a healthy margin and ideally a recurring revenue from membership and continuity programs.
For me, this is a 2 to 4 person model.?
Any more than that and I feel it becomes small group coaching.?
I used to like the energy generated with this type of training plus the added accountability and support. Your clients can get good results and you can connect with more people. As an additional bonus, you can create a culture and family feel.
TIER 4: Private Training
- Price:?>$647?
- Goals:?Increase Profits &?Recurring
- Example: 1-1 PT, Nutrition Coaching??
This is generally your top tier and represents the biggest and best service you have.
There is a limit however to how much impact you can make and how much income you can generate as you can only do so much in a day.?
If you were to offer 60min sessions, then you would only be able to undertake 6-8 sessions a day.?
You can leverage this by having more trainers take sessions. Or reduce the length of your sessions to 30 or 45 minute sessions. This will enable you to get more sessions in and more money coming in.?
What does your Value Ladder look like?
Do you have one?
If not, use the example I have provided above as a guide. The Value Ladder is your key (and starting point) to building your marketing funnel.?
A lot of Fit Pros only have one or two pieces of the ladder. If they can add in the missing pieces, their businesses could expand dramatically.
Sometimes it is not always obvious what you can add to the frontend or backend of your business which is why I wanted to give you examples.