How to create x,y (input,output) for Text Generation Models:
### 1. One-Step Ahead Character Prediction
- x: Sequence of characters.
- y: Next character in the sequence.
- Simple and easy to implement.
- Suitable for fine-grained character-level text generation.
- Can maintain coherence and grammar in generated text.
- Limited context: The model only considers local context, which may limit the capture of long-range dependencies.
- Slower training: Training can be slower due to the large number of predictions made for each sequence.
Example: Predicting the next character in a sentence like "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
### 2. Sequence-to-Sequence Character Prediction
- x: Sequence of characters.
- y: Sequence of characters (same length as x) where each character is the next character in x.
- Similar to one-step ahead prediction but generates longer sequences.
- Can still maintain coherence and grammar in generated text.
- Same limitations as one-step ahead prediction regarding limited context and training speed.
Example: Given "Hello, how are you?" as input, predict "ello, how are you?" as output.
### 3. Word-Level Text Generation
- x: Sequence of words.
- y: Next word in the sequence.
- Higher-level granularity: Generates text at the word level, which may capture more meaningful semantic units.
- Can handle larger context and potentially capture longer-range dependencies.
- Requires a word-level vocabulary, which can be challenging to build for specialized domains.
- May require more complex models to handle variable-length sequences.
Example: Predicting the next word in a sentence like "The quick brown fox."
### 4. Sequence-to-Sequence Word Prediction
- x: Sequence of words.
- y: Sequence of words (same length as x) where each word is the next word in x.
- Generates coherent sentences and paragraphs.
- Captures semantic relationships between words.
- Requires a word-level vocabulary.
- More complex than character-level models.
Example: Given "I like to play guitar" as input, predict "like to play guitar" as output.
### 5. Sentence-Level Text Generation
- x: Single sentence.
- y: Next sentence.
- Generates complete and coherent sentences, suitable for dialogue or story generation.
- Can capture high-level context and coherence.
- May require more complex models to maintain context across sentences.
- Training data with sentence-level annotations may be needed.
Example: Predicting the next sentence after "Once upon a time, there was a princess."