How to Create Workplace Traditions Even in Non Traditional Workplaces
Not every company is lucky enough to have a party planning committee like that led by Angela at Dunder Mifflin.? Traditional 9 to 5 office life has changed since the days of Michael Scott and “The Office.” Today’s workplaces are more likely to have kitchen tables than conference tables. Traditions that once bonded coworkers like secret santa exchanges, Halloween dress up days, or celebration potlucks may be realistic only for office employees.? Yet, the value of creating workplace community and building culture through tradition remains.? How can companies create workplace traditions even in non traditional workplaces?
The Value of Workplace Traditions
Traditions are valuable because they create a sense of “we” in a company. “When employees are included in traditions, they are shown that they matter to a group and are embraced in the shared social identity,” says Raelynn Randall of Eddy.? “This concept is sometimes referred to as “we-ness,” which is defined as how individuals identify as part or align themselves with a? group. Traditions can shape this shared identity. Companies should place value on maintaining traditions because these traditions create shared experiences.
Workplace Traditions that Work for All Workplaces
Here are some ideas for traditions that can be shared in any work modality.
The Value of Coming Together in Person
No matter how amazing asynchronous traditions may be, it pays for companies to bring employees together in person at least occasionally.? To do so, companies must incur major expense, but in person gatherings are essential in maintaining bonds with the workforce as a whole.? “Even fully remote companies like GitLab and Automatic rely on episodic in-person gatherings to rebuild bonds among employees and socialize new members,” says Pamela Hines and Elliott of Harvard Business Review. “Organizations will undoubtedly require a mix of practices that enable efficient, inclusive engagement while at the same time preserving aspects of synchronous and in-person activities that strengthen culture.”? Holiday parties that are held in person can be annual or bi-annual and still be effective in maintaining social connection.? Artemis Consultants, whose employees work a hybrid model, has a tree decorating day and annual holiday dinner.? At the dinner, employees play a game of “who said it.”? This bonds employees by recalling a lot of funny situations.
Traditions are important and can be implemented in all kinds of workplaces. As the holidays quickly approach, take a moment to recall the best memories of traditions you have been a part of with a company.? What are some of your best memories with coworkers?? Please share in the comments below.
-Written exclusively for Artemis Consultants by Content Writer Mellody Melville