How to create a winning employee engagement strategy in four 'easy' steps.
Employee engagement took a huge blow during the Covid epidemic with the rise of the Great Resignation. In the US alone, the US Bureau of Labor reported 47 million quit in 2021, topped only by more than 50 million in 2022.
Whether its the great resignation or simple the great pause. Covid gave everyone a breathing space (a socially distanced one mind) to revaluate where they were going and whether this job and that boss is really doing it for me.
But before we lay the blame at the feet of the ever unpopular virus we should ask - what was happening before lockdown madness? Well according to Harvard Business Review this trend of quitting jobs is part of a long-term growing trend going back to the noughties (2000 - 2009).
In Japan the ‘salaryman’ is both admired and mocked in equal measure. But even in Japan a culture steeped in duty and loyalty there are rumblings of people starting to question the status quo. We live in unprecedented times and expectations are rising around the World both for customers and our employees.
Senior eyes look towards HR for the answers so what can be done my HR colleagues?
Based on years of running employee surveys I can tell you employees needs can be boiled down to three key things:
It can sound easy but in truth few organisations are getting it right.
So let me humbly share with you a personal perspective on how these needs can be fulfilled within a company. Any engagement strategy must address the four enablers of engagement:
So there you have it the four enablers of engagement, the true power comes from the interaction of these elements creating a positive virtuous circle. Use the four enablers to build an organisational culture that provides meaning in people’s lives, in a healthy inclusive culture. Then with this firm foundation employees can flourish and grow and play their part in enabling their organisations to succeed.