(Excerpts from the book The Surest way to become Rich)

All around us, inside us and everywhere else that we can fathom; exists an endless substance, the invisible Ether. A river of conscious energy which can be known beyond the five senses. However, just like the atoms, quarks or air which can only be inferred through observation, so can the Ether be known through experimentation and indirect observation.

Everything you see, touch, smell, and feel in the tangible universe is created from one source. All material manifestation emerges from this single invisible Ether. This source is formless, omnipresent, omniscient and possesses supreme infallible intelligence.

In many scriptures, this source is also referred to as kelaah’ or a power. Not a static energy, but a conscious supernatural vibe which is ‘ever-rising’, ‘forever in ascendence’.

If we know the laws of using this Ether, we can fashion any material object including wealth from this all-present resource. Realising this Ether and its laws is Abundance Consciousness.

Knowing the Infinity-Building Others

Russel H Conwell writes

…who is imbued with the determination to be right and to do right must never lose sight of this truth--- that life is vastly more than place and meat and raiment. Living for self is suicide;….”

A person may earn great wealth. However, his life cannot be wholesome with the enjoyment of material pleasures alone. He must build others. Create value in the society, helping people around him to rise at all planes.

Once we are aligned with that truth, we do not need to cheat or covet another person’s property to become rich. People who work with us must be looked after and paid well. Their penury cannot fill our coffers sustainably.

We need only imprint the appropriate belief system on this ‘material’ and riches will come to our doorstep. All we believe, our very core thinking stream will automatically get imprinted upon the Ether.

Whatever product or service I sell; it must provide value to the buyer. Somehow, it must enhance his life. Nature always wishes to grant us abundance, success, and love. This is the characteristic of the Universe.

This singularity is worth remembering always.

Our society has planted the idea of a God in the consciousness of people. The belief in a powerful being who is a judge and who is to be feared. That the purpose of such a God is to keep his creation in penury and that self-awakening somehow happens while living in such rudiments because richness is ‘bad’.

Even the relics of such notions may please be abandoned.

The true nature of the Ether is “Charhdi Kelaah” or to be ever rising.

If penury were the key to unlocking self-realisation, then would not all the prophets of that infinite power be necessarily poor? Yet in every religion, many of the great prophets were kings and people of abundant riches.

The Law of Transactions

Perhaps the most essential thought ingredient in developing a consciousness of abundance is to inculcate an attitude of ‘being a giver’. To execute the business of life in a manner where I want to enrich every interaction of my life.

Where the underlying theme of my very being transcends the hedonic.

Whether I sell a service or product. Whether I buy it or I don’t trade at all; every interaction can have the quintessential element of ‘giving more’.

When I meet someone and make that person comfortable. Wish him well. I give.

When I touch someone’s life in any way, I give.

When I share knowledge, I give.

Being a giver is multi-dimensional.

“Always be a giver”

Therefore, as we become ‘net givers’, the Ether has to provide us with more and more. Because such is the flow of the Universe. The life of such a person becomes an upward spiral, in due course.

I know of a lady, who found it very difficult to even pay for her children’s school fee. Once she got to know about this ‘law of transactions’ she immediately changed her words and her stance. After borrowing a small amount of money from her old, but affluent father she went to Delhi to obtain certifications in beauty treatments. Even as a trainee she would research and practice her lessons for hours so that the clients would be better provided for. She once told me, “I always do the very best and ensure that I do something extra for people.”

“I want to make everyone beautiful,” she would affirm to herself.

Soon she became very rich. All her life she gave; helped many young girls to start their personal clinics; going against management strategists’ advice of “not to create your competition.”

Towards the last part of her life, she once told me, “The more competition I created, the more I prospered. All the ‘competitors’ would refer their difficult cases to me.”

If a housewife like her can create a successful business within twelve months of using the ‘law of transactions’ then why is it that others can’t?

The fundamental thought of ‘what I can get here’ must be replaced by

‘What I can give here.’

That is abundance consciousness.


The next pillar of abundance consciousness is ‘charity.’

When we accumulate unrealistic amounts of wealth and do not allow any portion to flow back into the society, somewhere in our lives incongruity will result. In seemingly unrelated aspects of ours or those of our spouse’s or our children’s lives, dark clouds of unwholesome fate will gather when we obstruct the flow of wealth. Everything in nature is inter-connected.? There is also no doubt that the sins of the parents do visit their children, as do their good deeds.

This is not to say that we shouldn’t save for a rainy day. However, excessive, greedy accumulation isn’t needed.

The edict governing material altruism in almost every culture is that of tithe or one-tenth of income. As far as possible, we should contribute at least one-tenth of our earnings to charity.

When I was in studying at the university, I would constantly feel lack as cash flow wasn’t that copious. Then I purchased a small box, just like a child’s piggy bank. If I would get a tutoring assignment for thirty dollars, I would come home and place three dollars in that “Box of Universe” as I had christened it. Before long, hundreds of dollars accumulated inside and I always felt confident in helping others.

However, even more surprising was the action of the ‘Invisible One’ in my life. Hitherto, I had been getting tutoring and other part-time assignments in the range of 30 to 50 dollars an hour. After I started to place tithe in the “Box of Universe”, out of the blue, my next work gave me over a 100 dollars an hour, then 180 dollars an hour!

Even in giving to charity, excess can have deleterious effects.? For example, some people donate so much that they themselves start living in impecuniosity and sacrifice almost their entire wealth. They even ignore their prime duty to support and nourish their family. Such extreme altruism cannot provide balanced self-expression of the soul.

Excessive philanthropy may sometimes be as malevolent as selfishness.

Balance in every aspect, in every pursuit, is very essential.

Once the elements of abundance consciousness find their way into the underlying river of our thinking, the Ethereal keys to wealth come within our grasp miraculously.

Abundance Consciousness’ is a master key.

Anyone who follows all the elements (or variables) in letter and spirit will find wealth where he was hitherto discovering losses. May all be blessed.

(Disclaimer: Views expressed are the author’s own).

Indu Aggarwal

TalentGro Global | Disha For Success |Disha For India| SNGL|Contributor in the Growth Story of India| Sapne Dekheinge, Tabi Poore bhi Honge| Advocates Emotional Wellness

5 个月

Absolutely Agree


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