How to create Team trust

How to create Team trust

Without trust, there cannot be cooperation nor teamwork. If a group of people work together with hidden agendas, personal goals and without full disclosure they may as well be on different planets. History has many of examples of "dream teams." We always think that a dream team has to be made up of super performers. On the contrary, super teams are made of super trusters.

Look at your desire for a team that works well together.

Look at how you show your trust in them.

How much do you withhold from them without telling them that there are things you are not able to share?

Do you have a personal agenda for which you are using the team?

Are you committed to developing each person to recognize their individual talents so that they can contribute to the goals of the group?

Are you prepared to confront problems that put the group efforts in jeopardy right away and work to seek a solution in the interests of the group?

If you do not, the group will never develop trust in you or in the project.

It takes guts to develop a team, but first you have to develop trust.


