How To Create TAR.GZ Files (No Software Required!)
Creating 7z files is easy with ezyZip

How To Create TAR.GZ Files (No Software Required!)

Got a bunch of files hanging around, cluttering up your digital treehouse? It's time to squash them into a single TAR.GZ file! This guide will help you swing through the process with ease, using ezyZip to pack your files like a bunch of bananas. No monkey business—just simple, easy steps!

How To Create TAR.GZ Files Using ezyZip

Don’t let the techy name fool you; creating a TAR.GZ file is easier than peeling a banana. Here’s how to do it with ezyZip:

  1. Open ezyZip: Start by swinging over to ezyZip TAR.GZ Creator. It’s your one-stop shop for compressing files!
  2. Add Files: Click the "Select files to archive" button. You can also go full monkey-mode and drag and drop your files directly onto the ezyZip page. Feel free to gather as many files as you want into this digital bunch!
  3. (Optional) Adjust Compression Settings: Click the little down arrow next to the "Create TAR.GZ File" button if you want to adjust the compression level. Whether you want it squeezed tight or just a little bit squishy, you’ve got the power!
  4. Create Your TAR.GZ File: Click the "Create TAR.GZ File" button. Watch as ezyZip works its magic and compresses your files—no more monkeying around with bulky folders!
  5. Save Your TAR.GZ File: Click "Save TAR.GZ File" once the process is complete, and pick where you want it to go on your computer. It’s like storing your bananas in the perfect spot!

Congratulations! You've now created a TAR.GZ file that’s as tightly packed as a barrel of monkeys. ??

Once all files are compressed, simply click "Save TAR.GZ File"

Create TAR.GZ Files Tutorial

Need a little extra help? Check out our video tutorial that’ll guide you through the entire process. You’ll be swinging through file compression like a pro in no time!

And there you have it, folks! You’re now a true master of file compression, and the digital jungle is all yours. ??



