How to Create a Table in MySQL and MariaDB on an Ubuntu Cloud Server?

How to Create a Table in MySQL and MariaDB on an Ubuntu Cloud Server?

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Among the Relational Database Management Systems, MySQL is the easiest and most reliable to use since it is open-source licensed and free for customers to use. Used as storage for the collection of data, a database has distinct APIs for creating, managing, accessing, searching, and replicating the data it holds in the database. Relational databases can store huge volumes of data and relations can be established between the data using foreign keys.

MariaDB is a popular open-source software, and it provides an SQL interface for accessing data as a relational database. MariaDB is widely used in banking to websites turning data into structured information.

How to Configure Ubuntu Cloud Server?

Cloud storage is essential for all developers and programmers in today’s age where creating cloud backup is extremely important.

Prerequisites Required to Configure Ubuntu Cloud Server

  • The user must have free storage of more than 2GB available on their device.
  • A DVD or Flash Drive with the latest version of Ubuntu Server is required.
  • A quality backup system is also necessary alongside the data the user wishes to store in the Ubuntu Server.

Stepwise Installation of Ubuntu Cloud Server

Boot from Install Media:

  • Start by inserting the Ubuntu DVD into the device and restarting it.
  • Choose the language from the “Language” drop-down menu.
  • Select the appropriate keyboard layout and variant. In case of unsureness, the user can prefer the default settings.
  • Out of the many options offered in the drop-down menu, select the Ubuntu server for installation.
  • Networking to automatically detect and try to configure network connections.
  • Configure storage needed to run Ubuntu.
  • Select a disk from those available on the device.
  • Confirm the partitions.
  • Make the final confirmation of the changes created.
  • Set up a profile with name, server name, username, password, and SSH identity.
  • Ubuntu servers install a set of required software.
  • Installation is complete.

How to Configure MySQL and Create a Table on an Ubuntu Server?

Installation of MySQL

Prerequisites:?The latest version of the Ubuntu server.

  • Step 1:?To install MySQL on Ubuntu, use the command:

sudo apt-get install mysql-server.

  • Step 2:?To configure MySQL on Ubuntu, use the command:

sudo mysql_secure_installation.

  • Step 3:?Secure the MySQL server deployment and validate the password component.
  • Step 4:?Now you have to create a dedicated MySQL user. Don’t forget to Grant Privileges. To gain access to the?root?MySQL, the user must use the command:

sudo mysql

Table Creation:?Create a database in MySQL with the help of the following commands:

  • You need to first log in to the MySQL database. You can use the following command:

mysql -u root -p

  • Then, type in the password that was previously set up during installation.
  • Create a database using the command:

CREATE DATABASE (name of database);

  • Switch to the newly created database with the command:

USE (name of database);

  • You have to follow this MySQL syntax for table creation:

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] name_of_table (list_of_table_columns) [engine=database_engine]

How to Configure MariaDB and Create a Table on Ubuntu Cloud Server?

Installation of MariaDB:

Prerequisites:?Latest version of the Ubuntu server.

  • Step 1:?First, you need to download and add the MariaDB GPG key to your system. You have to use the following command:

apt-key adv –recv-keys –keyserver hkp://


  • Step 2:?Now, you have to add the MariaDB repository. The following command will help you to achieve this:

add-apt-repository ‘deb [arch=amd64,arm64,ppc64el]? main’

  • Step 3:?Next, update the repository using the following command:?apt-get update -y
  • Step 4:?To install MariaDB use the command:

apt-get install mariadb-server -y.

  • Step 5:?After installing MariaDB, ensure to check the status of MariaDB with the following command:

systemctl status mariadb

Creation of databases in MariaDB:

  • To create a new database, your first step will be to log in to the MariaDB shell with the command:

mysql -u root -p

  • The next step is to enter the root password when prompted. Now you can create a database with the following command:

CREATE DATABASE (name of the database);

  • After creating a new database, you can list all databases. Here, you need to use the following command:


  • To create a table in MariaDB, you have to follow this convention:

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] name_of_table (list_of_table_columns) [engine=database_engine]


Operating with MySQL and MariaDB are essential for developers and programmers as it is the future of technological development. Both these relational databases have a multitude of applications, including data warehousing, e-commerce, development of websites, and logging applications. Data security, high performance, on-demand scalability, around-the-clock uptime, complete workflow control, comprehensive transactional support, the reduced total cost of ownership, and the flexibility of open sources are some of the advantages developers get while using MariaDB or MySQL. Therefore, start learning MySQL and MariaDB today and become a database expert..


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