How To Create Successful Experiments On Agile Teams
Lisa Bradburn
My expertise in program delivery, product management, agile coaching, and psychotherapy enables me to create holistic and transformative experiences that help individuals and organizations achieve their full potential.
If you want to test out a hypothesis yet unsure where to begin — use these checklists to ensure success.
The ability to experiment is a building block of the agile mindset. One can argue experimentation is critical to the?Agile Manifesto’s fourth core value:
Responding to change over following a plan.
Goals Of Creative Experimentation
Organizations talk a lot about the need to experiment, yet, before embarking on the unknown, it is essential to understand the goals of a creative experiment within the agile context. Depending on the type of experiment proposed, goals can range from:
While the above list is inexhaustive, notice how the majority of the goals focus on human behavior and relationships rather than implementing more processes. The orientation calls to mind the first value in the?Agile Manifesto:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
The Sequence Of Events In Successful Experiments
Once the goal(s) of an experiment are known and understood by all, a sequence of steps follows:
Experiments on Agile Delivery Teams should be engaging, informative, and fun! Before diving in with a knee-jerk reaction, consider what goals you wish to achieve and contemplate the logical process of entering into the practice. Your intentions and outcomes will be more robust.
P.S: Be careful you?do not?over plan an experiment. Find the equilibrium between?planning versus doing?otherwise “responding to change over following a plan” means nothing.
The Intersection Between Gestalt Psychotherapy & Coaching
Here’s an interesting fact. The above checklists are borrowed and redesigned from?Gestalt Psychotherapy?where experiments are used as a powerful aid to reveal new truths when working with clients. Here, I repurposed the therapeutic process to fit with the agile mindset of embedding experimentation into the teams. Ultimately, the intersection between psychology and agile is closer than we think!
This story was originally published on?Medium?07-11-2021
Lisa Bradburn is transitioning into an Agile Coach and is a?Gestalt Psychotherapist-In-Training.?She writes about the intersection of technology and the human condition. Follow Lisa on?Medium.