How to create a resource list in 5 simple steps

How to create a resource list in 5 simple steps

This thread was originally posted on Twitter?here .

I collected 2600+ web resources

A 5-step framework for creating resource lists??

First things first. Why would you collect that many web resources?

  • To build a second brain
  • To create resource lists
  • To improve my toolkit and workflows
  • To recommend tools and resources

1. Create a File Management System for your Browser's Bookmark Manager

The built-in bookmark manager in your browser will be your main tool to capture.

But you need a file management system to organize your bookmarks.

Example: All Bookmarks -> Productivity -> To-Do Apps

2. Build a Capture Habit

Next time you arrive at a web page that is interesting to you, capture it!

Your collection will expand with time.

Use Product Hunt and Google Search to discover new resources.

3. Organize your Bookmarks Regularly

Make sure every bookmark is in its respective folder or it will get messy.

To avoid that review your bookmark manager on a weekly basis.

It will save you a lot of time in the long term.

4. Curate Resources Lists from File Management System

Start curating once you have a good amount of organized web resources.

  1. Choose a topic
  2. Export all the bookmarks under that topic
  3. Import them into a tool that lets you share
  4. Make sure it's ready to launch

5. Share the Lists Online

  1. Post online
  2. Share on social media
  3. Launch on Product Hunt
  4. Get email subscribers



  • "CTRL/CMD + Shift + O" to open browser bookmark manager
  • Export bookmarks from the browser
  • Import bookmarks to third-party software


1. Create a file management system for your browser's bookmark manager

2. Build a capture habit

3. Organize your bookmarks regularly

4. Curate resource lists from your file management system

5. Share the lists online

That's all!

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