How to create psychological safety for yourself

How to create psychological safety for yourself

How do you create psychological safety for yourself?

Although there is much to be said about the responsibility of an organisation or manager to take responsibility for psychological safety, we cannot expect that self-safety is outsourced to those around us.

Many people don't get taught this skill. Our society, our upbringing, the values of our society, and our caregivers will have instilled in us our thinking and behaviour habits pertaining to hierarchy, our need for acceptance and validation, our needs for stability, and our success markers. These all create a pattern that can work with our self-safety and against.

If we cannot create self-safety for ourselves, we get triggered when our environment doesn't fit our needs. With an ever-changing environment, this makes for a lot of triggering!

We should have extremely high expectations that our environment is not unsafe and organisations need to be on this (and thanks to the new legislation hopefully they will).

We should also have high expectations that we know how to make ourselves safe.

Here are some things I teach that might be useful to check yourself on:

  • know your boundaries
  • know how to communicate your boundaries
  • know your wants
  • know how to communicate your wants
  • learn how to manage your state
  • learn how to manage your wellbeing
  • create trust and influence
  • know how to manage others' state
  • know how to manage your internal narrative
  • know how to alter your external situation
  • know how to move forward against discomfort
  • know how you make decisions, be proactive and deliberate
  • know how to change

And as a?side note?if you are in a leadership position, what are you doing to help others create self-safety? I'm not talking about creating psychological safety for the team (imperative) I 'm talking about individually created self-safety (also an imperative).


