How to create a proper bug report
Through my QA work, I've realised that the bug report format shouldn't be unclear and should be defined.
Various indices are used currently to help track bugs in the different ticketing systems. As QA usually we have to struggle with terms and expressions. Your task is to present the bug in the most accurate way so a dev or PM would know what’s happening just from a glimpse.
Let’s take the bug reporting bit-by-bit and analyse it.
To have a better understanding of the issue from the title, before you get to the end of the ticket, you need a short, precise and simple description. This is a big challenge that you need to deal with and we know you can do it. [sic]
A good title would have the following format: (location) + obvious bug presented + one detail.
+ Example : "client name” main-nav not fitting to screen.
Inspired by “Every breath you take” by The Police we can definitely connect to the lyrics “Every step you take” and “Every move you make”. In the description should be the steps to reproduce the problem, written as detailed as possible, in around 5 steps.
Do not forget also to add: pre-test settings (if any were added so the test would run), 1st location (from where you start the test); steps to get to the error message and the most important part - the action which triggers the bug.
As expected ( ^_^) due to the fact that we are discussing here about a regular bug reported by QA, you should know what to expect here. Add an accurate phrase about what the expected result of the above description should produce.
Here is what is actually happening after you take the steps described above. For a better understanding of the ticket, afterwards you should be able to provide screenshots/movies etc. related to the bug.
On this phase you can add other data as: browser versions, devices used, places tested, code examples, quirked happenings etc.
Best regards,
Daniela A, QA analyst