Qamar Abbas
Microsoft ERP |Project Manager |Digital Transformation | PowerBI |Consultant D365|IT Management|
2.1 How to Create PO from PR
Go to: Dynamics 365 Path: Procurement and Sourcing > Purchase requisitions > All purchase requisitions
Step.2 Click on respective Purchase requisition
Step.3 Go to Purchase requisition lines Verify the Item number and Quantity
Step.4 Expand the workflow tab and click on Submit button
Step.5 Operation completed message appears update the Comment field and click Submit button
Step.6 Expand the workflow tab click and click on Approve button
Message: Workflow should be approved by the concerned personal only
Step.7 Update the Comment field and click on Approve button
Step.8 The Status of PR is updated to Approved
Step.9 Go to: Dynamics 365 Path: Procurement and Sourcing > Purchase requisitions > Approved purchase requisition processing > Release approved purchase requisitions
Step.10 Click on respective Purchase requisition
Step.11 Select the requisition line and click on Purchase order
Step.12 Update the following fields
a) Item number, auto generated
b) Item name, auto generated
c) Vendor account, mandatory field select from drop down
d) Vendor name, auto generated
Step.13 Purchase order has been created message appears