How to create the perfect job advert to attract top talent to your firm
The Eventus Recruitment Group
Putting people at the heart of #recruitment, we match talented professionals with like-minded businesses.
Job adverts have hit a record high! As a result, it’s important now more than ever that job adverts are effective in attracting candidates and they are designed to fill your firm’s job vacancies. The perfect job advert will be written to stand out over your competitors’ adverts and to attract the top talent in your sector.
Looking online there are so many poorly written jobs adverts, with spelling mistakes and with vital information missing. Things such as salary, job responsibilities and experience / skills required. These adverts aren’t doing the role or business justice and won’t attracted talented candidates.
The job advert to potential candidates is the same as the CV to hiring businesses. It is where first impressions are formed, and often the deciding factor as to whether someone will apply to the job advertised.
So, what are the dos and don’ts of job advert writing and how do you make your job adverts stand out?
Don’ts of job adverts
Don’t rush your job adverts
Not putting enough time aside to create job adverts will inevitably mean they are not as effective as they could be. Vital information for candidates could be missed and mistakes could easily be made.
A poorly written job advert will actively put candidates off applying for a role. Especially if it was short, lacking detail and lacking effort. It would make them think the role (and therefore, them) aren’t important to the employer.
Don’t miss vital information off job adverts
Job adverts are your opportunity to sell the job role and company to potential candidates and stand out above the competition. If there isn’t enough information on the advert people won’t apply. They should be able to get a good understanding of the role and the company from the job advert. If they don’t, they are more likely to move onto the next job advert than contact you for more information about the role.
Dos of job adverts
Do take your time to produce the job advert and always reflect on the job
Before you start writing, think about what you would want to know about the role and company if you were thinking of applying for the position and hadn’t heard of the company before. Make sure this information is included in the job advert.
Have a clear structure to your job advert
Doing so makes the job advert easy to read. Use subheadings. Bullet point if necessary for the role responsibilities or rewards / benefits.
Hook the reader
There are thousands of job adverts on the internet, providing lots of competition for your job adverts. As a result, it’s important that job adverts start off with some valuable information about the job or company. This will make your job advert stand out to prospective candidates. Make them want to read more and not skip to the next job advert. Think about what makes your job / company different. Also, think about things you offer that prospective employees want from their employer.
Include as much detail as possible on job adverts
The advert should include everything that potential candidates would want / need to know about the job. What will make them interested in the role? It’s vital that there is enough information in the job advert for them to decide whether they are skilled for the job role and can see themselves working at your firm.
Always include benefits and rewards on job adverts
Work-life balance is a huge thing to professionals and prospective employees at the moment. As a result, it important that you list benefits and rewards in your job adverts. For example, things like holiday allowance, flexible working, hybrid working and bonus scheme. To view our guide on employee benefits please click?here.
Proof your job adverts
Once your job advert is written, always give it a final proof or ask a colleague to double-check it for you. Often your job adverts are the first thing that potential applicants see of your company. So, if your job adverts are full of grammatical and spelling mistakes, it could give professionals reading your adverts a bad impression.
What do candidates want to see on job adverts?
These are the some of the main thing candidates and prospective employees want to see on job adverts:
Get specialist help with job adverts
At the Eventus Recruitment Group we are a team of recruitment specialists in Legal, HR, Finance and Accountancy. We can support you with the writing of your job adverts to ensure they are effective and stand out to talented professionals. In addition, we speak to professionals who are active in the job market on a daily basis. As a result, we are best placed to advise you on what the top talent in your sector are looking for in their next job and from their employer.?Get in touch?today?here?for a confidential discussion about your recruitment needs. Alternatively, email?[email protected]?or call 01524 34400 to talk to us.
Written by Emma Fillingham , Marketing Executive at The Eventus Recruitment Group .