How To Create The Perception Of Safety In Your Business Environment!
“Whether you sell a product or a service, you need to learn to manage customer perceptions. The perceived cleanliness and safety of your facility can make or break you in this crisis." -Bernard Smalls
All reality is perceptual. What are we saying here? We never experience a thing as it really is, because we detect energy, DEFINE what we are detecting, then respond to our own definitions, not the REAL thing at all. We experience what we can comprehend. Nothing else. What does this have to do with sales in the COVID-19 crisis? I am glad you asked. You can create a 'greater benefit' of reality in your business during this crisis by creating the perception of a clean, safe environment for employees and guests. Let's lean how.
The outbreak of the COVID-19 virus is pushing businesses around the world into an unprecedented amount of change. This, of course, is affecting corporate culture, leadership, management, employees and customer experience. The way we operate has to change overnight. Massive fear is in the marketplace because of COVID-19. The customers perception (fear) has become his/her reality! Even though much of this is psychological, it is reality to your customers. Consequently businesses must find ways to provide peace of mind for the customer quickly. You need to take massive action now! This is mission-critical if you want to survive and thrive. Selling is 99% psychological. When people are afraid it affects purchasing decisions. Wouldn't you agree?
As a business owner, leader, or manager the worst thing you can do is to do nothing. Your response to the outbreak of COVID-19 and how it is affecting your customers could well determine your business and economic future. I think there's a consensus that this is a fundamental shift in how people live and this will affect how they purchase goods and services. Whether you are a barber or a store owner, there is no back to normal. There is a new normal, which will feel and be different. It's not going to be the same as it was before. It’s time for a change in the way we do business. Are you ready to refocus, adapt, and change? Are you prepared to offer a heaping load of peace of mind to your customers?
To get a different result, you must do something different. It's about business continuity. For starters, we all need to listen to the fact that people are FEARFUL! People are suffering and feeling isolated and scared. And your business environment shouldn’t contribute to and increase the level of fear.
Here are three questions you must answer: 1) Can your business be flexible and provide sound solutions and an environment that brings peace of mind to your guests? 2) Can you offer products and services that immediately make your guests feel safe and protected while doing business with you? 3) Can you create an environment of cleanliness and safety that brings your customer peace of mind? The problem is FEAR! The solution is peace of mind.
Here are some of the fear-driven concerns customers have during this present crisis when they consider visiting your business:
- Personal safety!
- Contacting germs!
- The sanitization of your facility!
- Being in contact with an infected person!
- Contacting and catching corona virus in a germ infested facility!
Now whether these concerns trouble you personally or not, they are real in the mind of even your best customers. Remember, I started out this article saying that perception is reality. Remember, if they perceive and fear the lack of sanitization of your business environment, it will affect their buying decisions.
Peace of mind is very important in a this time of HIGH anxiety. People buy peace of mind before they buy your product or service. In the new normal; Perception Is Reality!
How can you create an environment that enhances peace of mind:
- Reduce fear of people by cleaning and improving the environment.
- Sanitize your customer waiting area with an EPA approved product.
- Sanitize every computer that could be used by a customer.
- Have employees wear masks. (Yes! This is more powerful than you think!)
- Remember, PERCEPTION IS REALITY! In the new normal, sell perception and the substance. There is a new normal! It’s time to adapt!
Sell the sizzle AND the steak! - Bernard Smalls
What if you could find a product the is EPA approved to KILL COVID-19 Germs? We offer an EPA approved product that kills 99.9% of COVID-19 germs on surfaces. We can sanitize your products and your place. We also offer hand sanitizer for employees and customers. We can help you create perceptions which produce peace of mind.
Please contact me via LINKEDIN for a free digital presentation now.
Remember, tough times never last but tough people do!
The best is yet to come, Bernard