How To Create a Paradigm Shift
Robert C. Brown
Founder of Empowered Life TV | Personal Transformation & High-Performance Coach | Creator of The Empowered Life Trilogy Suite | Helping Individuals Awaken Potential & Live with Purpose
The first thing that I want to say right out of the gate (as it were) is that when you understand what a paradigm shift is and the power behind creating a paradigm shift, your life will never be quite the same again, and I mean that in a good way!
Let me start by asking you a question…
When was the last time you took a long hard look at your life to see how much of it is actually aligned with who you are as a human being yes, but more so, a spiritual being.
Is your life currently a happy one, or are you falling short of your own expectations, and is that leading to frustration and unhappiness?
When you take an honest (keyword – honest) look at your current results in life and business, how do you feel about them?
Here’s the rub…
Where you are right now in terms of financial status, personal life etc comes down in some way to how you are programmed between the ears and what you believe to be true for you on a subliminal, subconscious level.
You see, if you’re current belief system and personal ceiling of expection is not giving you what you’d like to show up in your life, then we know that you need to make the shift from what you believe to be true for you right now, to a belief system that supports all that you do want to show up in your reality, and so first, we have to establish the gap between those two belief systems in order that we can begin to bridge that gap.
But first, you have to make a commitment to yourself to do whatever it takes and you have to have the discipline to follow through and actually do the work on yourself to see the changes happen.
Living life on your terms is actually not that difficult and can be achieved by anyone (and that includes YOU). The problem is that right now, you don’t actually know how to do it.
Crazy thing is, none of this stuff gets taught in the school curriculum, and none of us comes into this world with an owner’s manual called ‘how to get the very best from life and have anything you desire for yourself’!
No, we arrive here with nothing other than our innate purpose for being here which we are aware of before being born into his physical world, but often lose sight of as we progress through childhood into adulthood, which is why we need to reconnect with our source in order to realign ourselves with who we really are and what our true purpose for being here really is.
Remember it’s your life after all and you shouldn’t have to live it according to somebody else’s agenda, wants or needs. Question is, are you willing to fight for your right to live your life your way?
You see, once you have come to place where you have made the decision to take back control no matter what, it really is only a matter of time until the changes you want to see happen, actually show up in your physical reality.
All you need to is be able to use creative imagination to really see things as you want them to be and then have the discipline to stay focused on that desired outcome and take action until it shows up!
The problem for most folks is that they cannot sustain that level of focus when there are so many distractions and shiny objects diverting their attention.
So, it is essential that if you want to create a paradigm shift in your life, you must learn to:
- Get clarity on exactly what you want.
- Commit to 100% focus until the desired result shows up.
Here is a simple but powerful formula for designing your life just the way you want it to be…
- BE
In order for results to show up the way you want them to, you need to first be the person that creates those results. You have to believe it before you’ll see it and not the other way around. Model others that have something similar that you want for yourself, study them, and model them.
What are their belief systems?
What actions do they take when faced with a particular set of circumstances?
What type of people do they hang out with?
What do they stand for?
One powerful use for this is when you are faced with a challenge that you don’t have an answer for. You can ask yourself how the person you are modeling would deal with the same situation? It is a very powerful use of this modeling strategy and just one of many!
- DO
Once you have adopted the same beliefs as a person who enjoys the lifestyle that you crave for yourself, then start behaving the same way, start doing things that correspond with what a person in that position would do.
You see, if you change your belief system and remove fear-based limiting beliefs, you will necessarily do things differently and, if you do things differently to what you are doing right now, you will see entirely different things show up in your physical reality.
And that leads us nicely on to…
If you are thinking differently and acting differently, then your world has no choice other than to show up differently.
If you plant a tomato seed that then you will eventually end up with tomatoes right?
It’s no good planting a tomato seed and hoping an apple tree will show up. I gotta tell ya, this will only lead to lots of waiting, and even more disappointment.
It ain’t ever going to happen!
Truth is if you want more apples in your life then start planting apple seeds, capeesh?
And so it goes with your life…
Determine what fruit you want to show up in your life and deliberately start sowing the seeds for that particular outcome. Tend to it, care to it, stay focused on it, and eventually your desired crop with show up.
Because it is a universal law, and it can work for you or against you, depending on what seeds you’re sowing.
So the message is clear if you want to create a paradigm shift in your life, get clear on what’s not working right now (what seeds you’re currently sowing), and replace it with the seed of what you do want to show up.
Then have faith, you’re desired result will show up just at the right time, every time!
Just know this…
Personal Power is attained through…
- An understanding and trust of the universal consciousness and a strong communication link to it.
- The acceptance that everything that you experience is the result of a choice you made at some stage.
- The awareness of your ability to make better more empowering choices.
- Focus, passion and an utter belief in yourself and the choices you make.
- The ability and commitment to taking action.
So in other words…Personal Power is your ability to make choices and take action to support those choices, whilst having complete and never-ending faith in yourself and a commitment to doing whatever it takes to achieve the desired outcome.
It is also the key to creating a paradigm shift and making it stick for the long term.
In summary, I want you to know that you truly did create the outcome you are currently experiencing and you need to face that fact. No matter what it is, you have created it on some level, so own it first and then you can fix it.
And that’s the good news, you can fix it by using nothing more than the simple stuff I have shared in this article. You don’t need anything other than this information and the determination to put it to work.
I believe in you, so believe in yourself…