How to Create a Paperless and Fully Digitised Business
SecureKey Group
We are a specialist Data Protection, Data Encryption and Data Tokenization Solution provider.
Life is too short to deal with jamming printers, bulging filing cabinets, and missing documents. Investing in a paperless office and safeguarding vital records is a smart business move, especially if you know how.
Creating a paperless and fully digitised business requires scanning and saving paper-based records on a cloud-based document storage platform. Install digital signature software to sign documents electronically. Revamp your workflow and onboard employees to get their buy-in.
Even though transitioning to a digitised office may sound straightforward, there are a few potential pitfalls to avoid. So, if you want an entirely paperless business – read on!
Invest In the Best Software Tools
Transforming your business into a paperless organisation initially requires a two-pronged approach consisting of scanning or digitising all your records and investing in a cloud-based document storage solution.
Even though digitising all your hard copies may seem daunting, various efficient scanning tools instantly create indexing and searchable records across various devices.
Although, it’s essential to invest in a cloud-based document storage system or an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform that can be accessed from anywhere, with version control and regular backups.
Deploy A Secure Digital Signing Solution
The next step is to deploy a reputable digital signature software that digitises all documents requiring electronic signatures ranging from legally binding contracts to employee leave applications.
With embedded authentication features, this tamper-proof cryptographic electronic signing platform automates your entire document workflow. It allows you to sign documents anywhere, anytime, and on any device.
Once a document is signed, you can store the agreement on your ERP or cloud-based document suppository or in an impenetrable and cyber-secure FIPS140-2 Level-3 infrastructure.
Revamp Your Entire Workflow
The transition from a paper-based to a fully digitised business environment continues once you have invested in bespoke software solutions. Thus, it’s essential to review the following if you want to digitise your business:
Workflow Automation
Automate all your business processes, reach out to your bank and service providers to request electronic invoices, and notify them that your business is entirely paperless. However, you may need a hybrid, semi-paper-based system until all your vendors are on board.
Data Storage and User Access
Determine whether your data should be stored and managed centrally at your head office, via multiple branch offices, or on your employee’s cloud-storage platforms.
Then map all your data storage platforms, create a unified system, and data access permission levels based on the sensitivity of the stored data.
Onboard Employees and Get Their Buy-In
One of the critical factors to successfully moving to a paperless business is ensuring that all your employees are onboard and that you have their buy-in. Mainly when they are uncomfortable with a fully digitised office environment and new workflows.
Thus, arranging a collaborative open forum staff meeting is essential to demonstrate the main benefits of streamlining business processes and increasing efficiencies by using technology.
Your staff should be encouraged to ask questions and make workflow-related suggestions concerning transitioning to a paperless office environment.
The Benefits of Transitioning to A Paperless Businesses
If you are still trying to decide whether to embrace an entirely digitised, paperless office environment, consider the following significant benefits.
Time and Cost Effective
Most paper-based businesses spend much time and money printing, filing, and storing documents that are often misplaced.
Even though scanning and digitising all those documents will require once-off costs, transitioning to an online document storage platform offers a greater return on your initial investment over time.
Environmentally Friendly
Transitioning to a paperless office environment is good for the environment as printing paper manufacturing processes are carbon-intensive, produce greenhouse gasses, and result in deforestation, which has devastating consequences.
Data Privacy Compliance
Maintaining a paper-based records management system to safeguard highly sensitive information automatically places a company at risk if those records are stolen or damaged.
Therefore, investing in a secure online document storage platform with stringent access control ensures your business complies with governmental and industry-related data privacy laws.
Efficient Project Management Structure
Moving over to an online project management platform means that essential documents are secure and easy to locate and share with a single click, which is far more time efficient than retrieving documents from bulky filing systems and endless queues at the office printer.
Creating a paperless and fully digitised business is far less daunting than it may seem at first. Even though it will take a little time to scan all your paper-based records, deploy efficient software solutions, and onboard employees, moving to a paperless office is a game changer.
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Frans Marx is the CEO of SecureKey Group and an experienced adviser to banks and large corporations on Cryptographic Data Protection.