How to Create an Open-Ended Dialogue When Interviewing SMEs
Photo by Edmond Dantès:

How to Create an Open-Ended Dialogue When Interviewing SMEs

The art of interviewing Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) can be daunting for some. An effective way to create an open dialogue is by asking the right questions and employing certain questioning techniques.

Developing a rapport with SMEs is essential in obtaining meaningful answers that help further knowledge on any given topic or project. As such, it is important to understand what type of interview strategies best suit your purpose.

When conducting interviews with SMEs, one should focus on using open-ended questions that allow the respondent to provide more than a yes/no answer. These types of questions are key in finding out more information regarding the topic at hand.

You should also use question prompts when necessary as they encourage deeper engagement within the conversation and often draw out more detailed responses from the source being interviewed.

Here are some Question — Follow-up examples:

Q: What did you think of the presentation?

A: It was interesting.

Follow-up prompt: Can you tell me more about what you found interesting about it?


Q: How did you approach the project?

A: I read through the instructions and then got to work.

Follow-up prompt: What particular steps did you take to complete the project?


Question: What challenges have you faced in your professional career?

A: A lot... I can tell you that...

Follow-up prompt: Can you give me a specific example of a challenge you faced and how you overcame it?


Question: What did you think of the new regulations?

A: Not bad.

Follow-up Prompt: What makes you feel that way?


It is likewise important to ensure that you are listening actively during the course of your conversations with subject experts; this will demonstrate respect and understanding towards their opinions and contributions throughout the process.

Active listening methods:

1. Make eye contact

2. Ask questions

3. Focus on understanding

4. Show empathy

5. Paraphrase what you hear

6. Give feedback

7. Let the speaker know you are listening

8. Avoid giving advice

9. Pay attention to body language

10. Give positive reinforcement

Utilizing active listening techniques such as rephrasing statements, summarizing comments, providing feedback and making sure that all queries have been answered thoroughly allows for better communication between both parties involved in the exchange.

In order to get the most out of every interview session, engaging with SMEs through thoughtful probing helps build trust while acquiring valuable insights into whatever area of expertise is under discussion.

By utilizing these strategies effectively, you can improve not only your own skills but those around you as well – allowing for improved learning outcomes across many different fields of study or work environments.


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