How to Create An Online Course

How to Create An Online Course

It’s important to be crystal clear about the purpose of your course and who you help, so you can attract your ideal students to your course.

A focused mission statement includes who you help, what the problem is, and it offers a solution.

For example: “I help coaches create and sell online courses, so they can help more people and create more income.”

The 3 Step Method:

1. Develop Connections

The most effective way to build connections is to create a Facebook group for your ideal students. There are other ways as well, so it is best to do what resonates with you. Some other ways to create connections on social media, are to start a YouTube Channel, write blogs, use Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, and Instagram. It’s important to go where you ideal students are and create connections with them there. I am going to focus on Facebook in this guide.

Steps For Creating a Facebook Group:

1. Go to Facebook, click create group.

2. Make group private and visible.

3. Name your group and use keywords your students are searching with.

4. Ask joining members three questions (click More, click Moderate Group, click Membership Questions). Ask them why they wish to solve their problem, what their current obstacle is and what their email is.

5. Click Create Rule to add them, and then click More, then Edit Group Settings to write a description that explains who the group is for.

6. Optimizing your Facebook profile and page is important so that people can find you.

Engagement is the next thing to focus on once your group starts growing. You know that you’re on track when members are talking.

The more interaction there is on your Facebook group, the more Facebook will promote your group in similar groups, which can attract more people to your group.

Starting interesting conversations that members want to take part in, and making friends on Facebook, is a great way to create engagement.

When you’re an active leader/participant in your group, you’ll attract more people to your group, and as your group is growing, you can create your course based on your students’ needs.

2. Create Your Course

When you have a group that focuses on a problem, your members will want to know how to solve their problem.

Your students want to know how to get from A to B, from their problem to the solution.

Your course is their solution to get them from A to B.

There are different course models that you can use in your course. One way to do this is to create 34 Modules and create 3-5 Topics in each module.

3. Sell Your Course

After you upload your course, you can launch it and add to it as you get feedback on what supports students need.

Offer a support group on Facebook where you answer students’ questions by going live each week.

Offering a free strategy call at the end of your free content is an excellent way to connect with others and help them. You can identify what they are struggling with and help them reach the next step. This is a valuable step, as your student and you both benefit by getting helpful information from each other. Your student get help with the next step and you receive feedback from your student regarding their needs and what they are struggling with. If they need further help, they may enroll in your course.

When you go live in your group, offer your strategy call or course at the end of it. Share a PDF guide as a summary (remember to include a group link and course offer at the end of your guide). From here, put the guide and video replay on a landing page and then share this with your email list. Keep helping members with their challenges and continue to offer them your method and how you can help them.


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