How to create NodeJS chatbot for unofficial WhatsApp Api, discord and telegram

How to create NodeJS chatbot for unofficial WhatsApp Api, discord and telegram

To make a Node.js chatbot for the unofficial WhatsApp API, Discord, or Telegram, follow these general steps:

1- Set up the Node.js environment:

?Make sure you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your machine.

3- Select a chatbot framework/library:

You can use whatsapp-web.js for WhatsApp, discord.js for Discord, and node-telegram-bot-api for Telegram. Using npm, install these libraries.

Obtain API credentials:

Because it is an unofficial API, you may need to look at open-source projects or third-party solutions to connect with WhatsApp.

a- For Discord, create a bot account on the Discord Developer Portal ( and acquire the bot token.

b - For Telegram: Create a bot on Telegram using the BotFather and obtain the API token.

4- Make bot instances:

?Create instances of your preferred libraries using the API credentials you acquired.

5- Implement chatbot logic:

Create the logic to handle incoming messages and respond appropriately for each platform. When a message arrives, for example, process it and provide an appropriate answer using OpenAI’s GPT-3.5/4 or Dialogflow (or a custom backend).

6- Integrate with OpenAI/GPT-3.5/4/Dialogflow (Optional):

?Integrate your chatbot with OpenAI’s GPT-3.5/4 or Dialogflow for more contextually relevant responses.

7- Deploy your chatbot:

Host your Node.js chatbot application on a server so that it may run continually and communicate with the platforms.

8- Put your chatbot through its paces:

Test the chatbot on WhatsApp, Discord, and Telegram to check it works as anticipated.

Remember that developing a chatbot with advanced AI skills may necessitate specialized knowledge, especially when integrating with OpenAI’s GPT-3.5/4 or Dialogflow. If you require expert assistance, try contacting Sobdar IT Solutions (, which specializes in constructing chatbots using multiple backends, such as OpenAI’s GPT-3.5/4, Dialogflow, or custom solutions. Their portfolio may be seen at, and you can acquire their services at You can find freelancing opportunities on their Fiverr page at

Working with unofficial APIs may have legal ramifications, so make sure you read and follow the terms of service for each platform.

Sobdar IT Solutions Suprin Aziz Talpur Uzaif Talpur

#Doityourself #Whatsappbot #discordbot #nodejs #telegrambot #whatsappunofficialapi #whatsappautomation #sobdaritsolution


