How to create more time with ease!
??Andrea Morrison??
Transformational Coach | Psychologist | 2xTedx Speaker. Enabling Female MDs, Directors & Senior Leaders realise their ambitions with confidence, resilience and balance.
As I’m writing this it is a beautiful day, I’m looking out over my garden, the birds are singing and fighting over the food in the bird feeder, the morning sun is pouring down and the sky really couldn’t be any clearer. It reminds me of last year when we were first locked down and I did a lot of writing in the garden, I was enjoying the slower pace of not having to rush to breakfast meetings, or client sessions, we weren’t having to chase the kids out of the door or do the myriad of things that we normally had to do that come with running a home and a business. Even though there was the worry of what was happening in the world and the impact of that, with less to do life seemed simpler, slower and there seemed to be more space.
I remember talking to clients at the time who experienced the same, and how they really wanted to retain that feeling, that if there was one good thing to come out of all of this, it would be to remember what was important, to slow down and enjoy life more – to keep that feeling of space and simplicity.
However, as the world has started to open up again, life is slowly returning to something that resembles what we had before. I have clients who are returning to their daily commute, the in person meetings are starting up again, the juggle of work and home has started once again. Conversations that I am having are turning back to ‘how can I achieve more balance’ and ‘how can I manage stress or overwhelm’ and that feeling of space and simplicity seem to have fallen by the wayside. So how can we retain it or is it simply a pipe dream, something that simply can’t exist in the presence of our modern way of living?
Recently I was editing a video for a programme I was doing and as part of one of the functions there is a sliding button that you can use to expand the video so that you can see it frame by frame or you can use the same button to condense into what looks like one frame. As I was fiddling with this trying to get to the right ‘expansion’ to edit what I needed to, I struck me that our thinking is a lot like that slider button, we either have the capacity to stretch out life so it feels like we have lots of time or we can condense it so that it feels like we are living life in one frame.
We so often get that feeling that everything has to be done right now and we have so much to do we’ll never get it done! I know that sometimes I fall into this, I can look at a list of emails,?my to do list and then my diary, I can feel that pressure and in that moment I’m living life in one frame! However, when we notice what we’re doing, and realise that it’s simply our own thought creating this feeling the thinking starts to fall away, we experience fresh thought, often telling us what needs to be done now, and what can wait, what the next step is and we start to feel a bit calmer. We may notice this and innocently whip ourselves back up into a feeling of pressure again. However, the impact of noticing and realising this is like the moving the slider, stretching out our frames of life, creating more of that feeling of space and time. The more we let go of the ‘pressure’ thinking, the more we are moving the slider and the less we live life in ‘one frame’.
?with love
Andrea x
?p.s. if you would like to experience less stress and pressure, CLICK HERE to arrange a conversation with me about how I can help you.
Andrea Morrison is a Transformational Coach, Tedx Speaker, Writer and Columnist for The Yorkshire Post. Find out more about her forthcoming events and programmes on her website:?