How to create more impact by harnessing the power of a ‘PR mindset’
Trevor Young
Battled-hardened PR, content & digital communications strategist, coach and advisor. I help knowledge leaders and credible owners of expertise-based businesses build authority, trust and influence in the marketplace
Mastering PR, content and digital communications for the benefit of your brand and your business today requires some strategic and tactical nous.
But more than anything, much of it will come down to mindset.?
After being deep in the PR and marketing communications trenches for 30 years, I can say hand-on-heart that one thing is certain: successfully implementing PR in your business, on an ongoing basis, will be fuelled by mindset, or should I say, the right mindset.?
Mindset is the established set of attitudes held by someone. It has a powerful influence in how we run our business, indeed, live our life!
In this article, however, I want to focus on the role mindset plays when it comes to implementing PR, content and digital communications in your business.
Get it right, and you’ll be in a good place. The wrong mindset, however, has the potential to derail your efforts immeasurably.
With this in mind, let’s dig in!
For this concept of mindset to resonate and make sense, I need to first set the scene by busting the number one myth that dogs the PR industry, and that is:
Public relations today is not just about getting media coverage for your brand.
Now, non-professionals will tell you that PR is the same thing as media publicity, but do not be fooled: it’s myopic thinking and will only get you so far.?
Generating ‘earned media’ exposure for your ideas, insights, and brand generally, can be immensely powerful for your professional reputation and by default, your business - I’m definitely a huge advocate for it!
But it’s just one part of the PR remit today, and to be successful, media publicity efforts need to be strategically underpinned by a host of other activities that make up today’s PR toolkit.
Okay, so if PR isn’t just about media publicity, what is it?
This is my up-to-date definition, honed over many years of ‘joining the dots’ to ensure it represents the expansive and holistic nature of what public relations really is, while at the same time being easy for the average punter to grasp, something that traditional academic definitions certainly do not do!
PR is about deepening the level of connection an entity (individual/company/organisation) has with the people who matter most to the success of their business, cause or issue.
This is where having a ‘PR mindset’ comes into play.
I wrote earlier that mindset is the established set of attitudes held by someone. If we want to broaden that out a bit, mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how we make sense of the world and our place in it; it influences how we think, feel, and behave in any given situation.
When it comes to PR, content and digital communications, what’s required is a positive ‘growth’ mindset that opens up the many and varied possibilities and opportunities to play a bigger game.?
To that end, I see there are five pillars of a PR mindset: ?
Let’s work through these pillars in more detail …?
This is a willingness - indeed, a desire - to connect and engage with people in a genuine and authentic way as a person, not a logo. This is not something you can turn on and off like a tap - that would be disingenuous, and people would pick up on it.?
Why is this important? Meaningful human connection is the bedrock of public relations. Without it, people aren’t going to take any notice of you; they’re not going to resonate with your story and your message. Simply, they’re not going to trust you, or talk positively about your business.?
Given that PR is all about deepening the level of connection with people who matter most to the success of your business, naturally, this is a key pillar of a PR mindset.
Of course, if you don’t care about people, this will shine through eventually. People today are well-equipped with the latest in bullshit detectors; if you’re insincere in your intentions, or inauthentic with how you go about things, we will notice it, and drop you down a peg or two accordingly.
What’s an example of what this might look like?
Say, you pretend you care about your customers and talk about wanting to deliver value over and above your products and services, but you ignore people in the comments on social media, or simply use your content to tell the world how great your company is, making it all about you and your brand. Such actions over time will undermine your PR efforts overall.
Bottom line: As a business owner, you either want to build real connection with people, or you don’t. Simple as that.
In which camp do you sit?
Freely and openly sharing your ideas, insights, knowledge, expertise and wisdom - without the expectation of getting anything in return! - is foundational to public relations today.?
You can say you’re an expert or a thought leader until you’re blue in the face, but if you don’t share your ideas, perspectives and know-how with the world, then all we’ve got is your word for it (and believe me, we don’t trust that).
But if you regularly publish content that demonstrates your knowledge and insights and expertise, okay, well now I can see for myself that you genuinely have the ‘chops’.
Show, don’t tell, is a powerful concept when it comes to PR!
But more than that, freely giving away our knowledge and expertise says a lot about us. Generosity of spirit is a wonderful trait, and serves as a strong counterpoint to all the bullshitters, bro’ marketers and hype merchants who inhabit the online business world.
Sharing openly has another arm to it as well, as it’s about embracing the public nature of PR, content and digital communications (it is called public relations after all!).
By putting yourself out there online, you are opening up the possibility that someone might criticise you and your ideas, albeit that happens way less than we’re led to believe. So it does, to a certain degree, demonstrate your conviction about an idea, a topic, or a stance on an issue.
On the flip side, holding in your knowledge and expertise does nobody any favours. Remaining in the shadows of the boardroom, hiding behind your logo, is not going to cut it in today’s social age, where the expectation is that business leaders be more open and accessible than ever before. ?
Spark represents enthusiastic participation in two-way communications with your audience.
Let’s see the ‘glint in your eye’ as you get out amongst it online (and offline) - publishing social media posts, creating long-form content, speaking at industry events, shining the spotlight on others in your online community.?
These are to a degree all one-way communications endeavours, however.
Sparking conversations and igniting debates is crucial to much of what we do when it comes to instigating PR, content and digital communications in our business - this means participating as much as creating: responding to people’s comments on social media, inviting others on to your ‘platform’ (i.e. interview guests on a podcast), sourcing other people’s views about a particular topic or issue, and then sharing those views via your content.
This one’s a killer for a lot of people, especially those brought up in the corporate world where perfection is lauded, and risk is mitigated above all else.
But to succeed with content, you need to be willing to put yourself out there, mix things up and try different things publicly; for example:
Experimenting with the tools and technology we have at our disposal today aligns beautifully with the mindset required to openly share our thoughts, ideas and insights; it merely takes things up a notch and gives us permission to try new things, whether that’s a different publishing format, a new social networking app or AI tool, or a unique content-driven project, or platform.
To be successful when it comes to public relations - just like business generally - you need to be in it for the long haul. If you think that PR, content and digital communications activities represent a short-cut to success, pull the plug now.
However, if you’re of the mindset that these things take time and effort, if you’re willing to integrate PR activities into your work week on an ongoing basis - connecting with people, sharing ideas and expertise, sparking conversations, experimenting with different tools, technology and content modalities, saying “yes” to people who might want to interview you on their podcast - then you’re more likely to succeed in the long run.
But if you’re someone who gives something a go and then throws in the towel because it didn’t work immediately, then good luck to you sir/madam!
Instant gratification has no place in the world of public relations. '
This is why so few solopreneurs and business owners succeed with PR, content and digital communications - it’s because most people give up way too early and haven’t got the will or motivation to keep ploughing ahead.
How does a ‘PR mindset’ show up in real life??
I’ve worked with clients who have:
(a) created a podcast to educate new graduates, in order to get on their radar from a recruitment perspective
(b) built a base of educational content answering the many and varied questions their clients might have, through to commenting on big-ticket media issues
(c) focused on creating community using long-form content and social media, knowing that their best clients were engaged in the process and inspired by the outcomes they might be able to achieve, versus “20% off your next visit”.
All of these clients have a ‘PR mindset’, which meant they tackled these initiatives with vigour and genuine intent.?
A PR mindset is one that will drive your desire to (a) form meaningful connections with pivotal audience groups – clients, media, influencers, partners, and the wider community, and (b) ensure you’re always adding value, sparking conversation, engendering trust, shining the spotlight on others as well as highlighting what you’re doing in your own business (documenting your journey).
It’s about being open and enthusiastic about connecting with people on and offline, publishing relevant content that adds value to people’s lives, sparking conversations about hot-button issues, being open and accessible to others, trying out new technology and ideas, and fronting up regularly on an ongoing basis.
Plenty to think about!
My new 'secret' podcast!
I have produced a Secret Podcast [Free Limited Series: "Reputation + Relations = Revenue"] in which I lay out the situation facing all business owners, and providing what I see as the opportunities for brands to gain an edge over the competition in a way that’s purposeful and respectful.
Following are the micro-episodes available in this private audio feed ~?SUBSCRIBE HERE
I help business owners become clear and confident in how they leverage PR, content and digital communications to build their brand and grow revenue.
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